Chapter 61

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Tobias POV

We go to Mr. Langley's class. Tris sits in her assigned seat, with me next to her.

Mr. Langley hands out worksheets. "Okay, here are worksheets. Just do them. Tris, let me know when you get stuck," Mr. Langley says, then walks to his desk. Tris' face got red, and my jaw clenched. What was the most hurtful though, is that Christina laughed louder than the rest of the class, while the rest of the gang remained silent.

As we were working, Tris gets up to turn in her worksheets. I smirk, she got done before everyone, he'll have to give her credit for that.

She hands it to him. He doesn't look happy. "You can't just put down random answers because your desperate for someone to accept you," he says. Tris freezes. Anger builds up in me when I see the look of hurt on her face.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" I yell and jump out of my seat. "You have done NOTHING but insult her the whole time she's been in this classroom!" I scream. "JUST LEAVE HER ALONE, WHY DON'T YOU!"

Mr. Langley looks really angry. "Office! Now! Both of you!" he says and I roll my eyes, "Come on. Let's go Tris."


What did you think of Four getting angry?

-stay sparkly
Updated December 11th (today's my birthday!🤗🤗)

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