Chapter 18

139 5 14

Tris POV

I woke up 3 times last night. On the third, I gave up the idea on me getting sleep. I was in way to much pain. So, I read to try to get it off my mind. At 5:00 in the morning, I started to get ready, even though it was Saturday. Black eyeliner, a little mascara, and concealer. I decided to wear a light pink shirt. It's a loose shirt, with long sleeves, I can't stand anything touching my back. I also wore blue jeans that weren't overly baggie, but also weren't touching my skin. My shins hurt badly too. I leave my hair down again, I'm to lazy to do anything right now.

I look into the mirror, I have a few bruises across my face, but the most dark one is on my jaw. It's not pretty. I lay back down in my bed, not wanting to move anymore. Everything hurts. I wait until I hear someone getting up, to actually go downstairs. I grab a muffin and sit on the couch, watching TV.

About 2 hours later and my mom came downstairs. But, she didn't say anything to me directly. "I'm going out!" She yells, not really caring about waiting for an answer from my dad. I guess she doesn't have to, she's an adult. Most people can't wait to be on their own,'s a fear. I'm independent but I'm just not ready. Yes, I want to get away from my mom but...I have other family and it just seems like a lot to handle. I guess I don't have to worry about that yet, I'm only a freshman.

To clear my head, I put in The Hunger Games. I absolutely LOVE the movie, but, let's get real first, the book is SO much better. I watch the movie for about the hundredth time, and I still point out every that's different in the book. At the part when the mutts come, I say, "In the book they didn't jump out like that! Also-" I was interrupted by Caleb. "WOULD YOU SHUT UP ALREADY!" I smile. "No." I say flatly. He gives me a death glare but doesn't leave, I know he likes this movie.

At 12:00 my dad announces that lunch is ready. When I don't get up, he says, "Aren't you going to eat, Beatrice?" I shake my head. "I'm not that hungry." He nods and goes back to his food. After my movie was over, I took it out and put on Full House. I'm SO addicted to this show it's not even funny. A show ends and then I hear a knock on the door. I get up to get it, but cringe in pain. "I'll get it, Princess. Don't worry." My dad opens the door and I see Four.

After exchanging a brief hello, my dad moves to let Four in. He walks over to me, and when Caleb and Dad are both out of earshot, he says, "Are you feeling okay?" I shrug. I don't want to seem helpless and say no, but I also don't want to lie and say yes. He sits down next to me, and pulls a blanket over both of us. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" He asks. "Sure." I say. He gets up and puts in TFIOS. I'm also obsessed with that movie, the book is better though, just saying. He puts and arm around me while we watch it. Both of us are pointing out things that different from the book. Apparently he read the book! Neither of us cried at the end. We know how it ended and BTW, I actually don't get upset about every little thing. Some times things just get to much to handle.

After the movie, Four and I just sat there, talking. Caleb came in and was watching TV. During one of the commercials, he said, "Just kiss already!" I threw a pillow at him. "Ow! How do you make a pillow hurt?!" I shrugged. "6 years of karate, 8 years of gymnastics, lead pitcher at softball for 3 years, and I was a courter back at my old school. Let's do we connect these dots?" Four laughed and Caleb stuck his tongue out at me. I smiled. "I didn't know you were a courter back at your old school." Flour says, but it was more like a question. I shrugged. "I figured if Christina found out then she'd try to take me shopping for 3 days straight, trying to rub away and 'guy stuff.'" I said. He smiles, "Smart move." I curl up into him and close my eyes. I find myself drifting off to sleep in a matter of minutes.

I wake up and see Four watching TV, with his arms still around me. I sit up and his head turns in my direction. "You sleep okay?" He asks. I smile and nod. "Good," he says and kisses my forehead. "You're cute when you sleep." He says. I blush. My dad comes in and says that we are going out to eat tonight and that Four is attending. I smile. Yay! I curl back up next to him and watch Full House with him.

Before I know it, I have to go upstairs and change. I change into a long, blue, see through shirt that is long sleeves. I put a white tank top on under it and wear a pair of black leggings that aren't skin tight. I leave my makeup that I already have on alone, and put on a pair a sparkly sliver flip flops. Then I went downstairs and waited to go.

Four had to go back to his house to change and when he came back...he look amazing. He was wear a nice blue button down shirt with black pants. Wow. He came over to me and his smile was big. "You look great." I say. "Me? Look at you. Your perfect." He picks me up and spins me for a minute, then kisses me. Call it cheesy or whatever, but it's like we were made for each other, the way my head fits in his chest perfectly, the way are lips connect. It's astonishing. When we pull apart, Caleb says, "Come on, lovebirds! We're gonna be late!" I feel my cheeks get hot and Four grabs my hand. "Call us that again and I'm gonna punch the living daylighting out of you!" I call back. Four smiles and says, "That's my girl." Then we walk out and get into the car.

When we get to the restaurant, we all sit down, with Four next to me. I order the smallest thing on the menu. When I'm finished, I go to the restroom and puke my guts out. Then I take mints and walk back to the table. Dinner flew by way to fast and the next thing I know, we were dropping Four off at home.

I go inside, wipe off my makeup, take a shower, and climb in bed.

(I'm gonna do the next day as well because it will go by so fast)

The Next Day

I wake up and put on a light amount of makeup and get ready for church. I wear a pink dress and pink shoes that have wedges on them. Then I go downstairs, grab a muffin, and wait until it's time to get in the car.

We all hop in 10 minutes later and when we get there, the first person I see is Four. I wave at him, then take my seat with my dad and Caleb.

#time lapse to after church#

The service was amazing. It was on taking stand for God. Afterward, we got home and ate lunch, well, they ate lunch, I refused to. The rest of the afternoon I watched Catching Fire and Mocking Jay Part 1. Again, I pointed out every little thing that was different in the book. After that, I took a shower and headed to bed.

*hi! So don't forget to leave suggestions on the story! I would LOVE some! Bye✌️

-Stay sparkly ✨

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