The list.

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I trot into the living room after drying my hands and see literal piles of boxes. This is going to be a long day! I am about halfway through all the boxes when dad walks in the door.

"What is all this?" He asks, setting down his suitcase.

"The list. Could you help me out here with ps and cs?" I ask, patting the chair next to me.

"Sure. I need a distraction after this afternoon." He sighs.

"What happened dad?" I ask, setting down my pen.

"The kids at Charlie's soccer game all lined up to sit on my lap. Your mother saw me and told me the court date is next week." He says sadly.

"Oh, dad!" I hug him, my arms not fitting all the way around him now.

"It's ok snowflake." He pats my back.

"Bernard visited!" I try to cheer him up.

"Oh, good for you." He smiles.

"Do you believe now dad?" I ask.

"I don't know what to believe." He says. "Now let's get through this list!"

We eventually get through the entire list. In the blink of an eye, as soon as the last kid is accounted for, the entire thing disappears.

"What the hell was that?!" Dad stands up startled.

"Magic, dad, magic." I shrug.

"I think the dinner you put in the oven is done!" Charlie calls out.

I walk into the kitchen and open the oven. A roast sits in the center of a pan, surrounded by potatoes and carrots. Pulling it out carefully, I dish up three portions and set the table.

"Charlie! Dinner!" I call out as he races in.

Dad takes a seat at the table and we all eat in silence. Afterwards I clear the table and put the dishes into the dishwasher. A knock resounds from the front door. Sighing I go answer it. Standing there is mom, looking cross.

"Where's Charlie?" She asks.

"Playing in his room, why?" I furrow my brow.

"I'm taking him home now." She pushes her way in.

"Dad just got home. Can't he spend some time with him?" I walk after her.

"Oh I think he's had plenty of time with him. Filling his head with nonsense." Mom spits.

"Is this about me being Santa?" I ask.

"Not you too (y/n)?!" She turn around.

"I am Santa. Whether you like it or not mom." I bite my cheek.

"This is just crazy talk (y/n). Santa's not real." She says disapprovingly.

"That's fine if you think that. But you can't Charlie for that." I try to reason.

"Oh I can and I am!" She continues to Charlie's room and opens the door.

"Come on Charlie! We're leaving!" She tells him.

"But I just got here!" Charlie whines.

"I'm serious Charlie. Let's go." She picks him up and runs down the stairs to the front door.

"If you two become not so deluded Charlie can come back." She shuts the door.

"This is such bullshit." I slam my hand onto the counter.

Over the next few months dads visitation was taken away after Charlie told the court about the North Pole. Dads been pretty shaken up recently, but he's pretty much accepted I'm santa. I am getting ready in the living room to walk and see the lights with dad when Bernard appears behind me.

Wrapped in love- Bernard x readerWhere stories live. Discover now