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It had been a busy couple of weeks, every day team 7 usually had at least one or two D ranked mission and then trained after it. They had mastered tree walking and were learning more taijutsu skills lately as well, they were also getting used to the weights that Kakashi had put on them, he made them wear then the entire day even during the missions until they got used to them. The three genin were usually very tired at the end of the day because of it but Naruto usually was the one the bounce back first thanks to his little 'guest' in his stomach healing him.

They all had been working hard and Kakashi was proud of how they were doing, of course there were the little bumps along the way such as Naruto and Sasuke kept getting in each other's faces, Sakura usually played peace keeper but at times also had to rein in Naruto as well. It reminded him a lot of his own team when he was their age. Sasuke reminded him so much of himself at that age, Sakura was a lot like Rin, and Naruto was like Obito only he wasn't late like he was all the time. It seemed that fate had played some sort of joke on Kakashi but damn it if he could see the punch line to it.

They had just finished catching that cat Tora for the third time, the cat seemed to be okay in Sakura's hands although Naruto was covered in scratches again. It happened all the time and some animals didn't like Naruto most likely because of what was inside of him most likely made them uneasy. They were currently standing in front of the Hokage waiting for what he had to say. He noticed that Naruto was a bit tense for some reason and he could already sense him about to blow up about something. He thought of how he could prevent it but then again it was hard to prevent Naruto from doing what he wanted.

"Now then that's at least fourteen missions you've done and I do have a few others here that you could do as well," the Hokage said looking over the team's file, "There are a few more D Ranked missions here as well that you could do for the rest of the week..."

"No way!" Naruto shouted out finally losing his patience, "We've been doing these chores for two weeks and I want to put all the training to the tests. We're ninjas shouldn't be on actual missions or something? I mean I'll never get to be Hokage if all we do are these crappy things."

"Naruto!" Sakura shouted out at him giving him a small glare she just didn't understand why he couldn't just act respectful to others he mouthed off to everyone even the Hokage of all people. She sighed seeing that he calmed down but still had that determined look in his eyes.

"Although I hate to agree with the masked shorty I think he makes a point," Sasuke said.

Naruto was torn between thanking him and shouted back at him for the short joke, it wasn't his fault he was the shortest in his glass he just hadn't hit his growth spurt yet. He noticed his dad sigh with his hands in his pocket.

"Kakashi what do you think after all you did request this team for a certain reasons if I remember," the Hokage smiled at him.

Kakashi winced knowing what the Hokage was referring to he had made the claim of the kind of team that he was making so he now figured that he was now being called upon to prove some results. He was wondering if this was the Hokage's way of testing the team or it might be pressure from certain members about how far the last of the Uchiha was progressing. On the one hand he wanted to keep the kids safe until they were trained a bit more but he couldn't keep them from danger forever.

There was also the fact that both the boys were eager for action and there was something else that he had been thinking about. Most of the so called 'accidents' had stopped since Naruto became a genin, after all the death of a shinobi of the village would be looked into by ABNU after all but still maybe a mission out of the village for a time would do them a world of good. Naruto had never been outside of the village and he wasn't sure about the other two either.

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