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Thank you for choosing to read Elam, this story continues the story of Carmine and will further open the world to readers. I hope you enjoy it and please forgive me since this is my first draft, so it’s going to be rough around the edges.

One more thing, this story will be funneled through two protagonists, and don’t worry, we can’t have the story without Carmine obviously. She is the first. The second character, well, you’ll meet her in Chapter Three. See you then and thank you for your support.

Now, for the readers here, these are cautionary disclaimers to be aware of:
Graphic depictions of war and violence.
Mention of sexual assault and it used as a weapon of war.
The various manifestations of bigotry such as transphobia, racism, misogyny, etc.

Now, regarding the sexual assault, that content will not be shown, only the third-hand effects and the topic will be brought up through both characters' viewpoint.

From someone at the ground level to someone in a leadership position, and it will contrast how each reacts to these matters.

Elam (Book 2 of the Carmine Series)Where stories live. Discover now