Chapter 10

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"You want them to what?" Janilla asked in a sharp undertone.

I blinked at her as I sat on my chair in the gazebo. The wooden stick floated above my thighs thanks to the seals I crafted into it, but that was not the only important thing in front of me.

Valor and Five sat in front of me with Valor leaning back with his hands behind his head, while Five clasped his hands in front of his lap.

I pulled up a rock from the pot and tied it with a piece of linen "Yeah, we have to. I've been using that ship as a relay for the spectral gates we have up, but because those john crows I hired couldn't keep their gate up, I had to travel hundreds of extra miles just to get to Eathen. Do you know how painful that is?"

Valor said nothing as I tied the weighted linen on one end of the stick. The stick tumbled to the ground, or to be more accurate, the end of the stick that was weighed down. 

I groaned in annoyance. "Somebody needs to be on that ship to keep the gate up and to curb their indiscipline, because it's obvious they're free-loading on my gold and boat."

Valor raised his finger.

"Yes, Valor I know I stole it, but it's mine now, I own it," I said.

Valor's finger went down.

It took me a lot of pain to steal that frigate and even repair it as it was. Getting it combat-ready and hiring experienced sailors was a hard task in itself, especially ones that were trustworthy. I achieved the combat-ready and experienced part, but the trustworthy part was the problem. 

Janilla carried a hard expression as she stood there with her record book neatly notched under her armpit. "So does that mean they're not going to be with us?"

"Nope, they'll be living on that ship for the foreseeable future. S'Mores too, I already told him. They'll be there for the next several months," I said.

There was also another problem.

"That threat the man gave," I continued.

"It could be misdirection," Valor answered.

"It would be the first time my mother is making a move. We have to take it seriously. Para can protect herself."

"She's also the Queen of Eathen. There's no way Erot would sanction her death. Would Erot punish Para for funding your war efforts sure, but killing her is crazy. Though this is Erot we're talking about here."

"That's why I am nervous. Para has already bore children for him. Erot might cut her losses and let the King get a new wife."

Valor shook his head. "Maybe."

"Who's Dahly?"

Valor rubbed his eyes. "A minor house under Erot. They also aren't liked that much."


"They are part of the southern and eastern bands that have been in eternal conflict with the main houses. The loyalty is on paper not in practice. So they must be doing something to get put on that hit list."

"Janilla, study them as well. I'll try to seek them out and see if they're an ally in secret. As unreliable as that man is, I don't want Diynoa to die. He's the only person I have to use as a claimant for the Baska throne outside of that pretty gem gu—"

"S'Mores." Janilla offered to us.

"S'Mores, exactly. Him. Protect the two of them. That's your job."

Valor said, "Guess we going to be pirates, huh Five?"

Five rocked his head. "I will do my best to support you Valor and my Lady."

Janilla laid down the book under her shoulder and onto the table next to her which unsettled Gabby from her prior spot. "Wouldn't that be a waste to send Five and Valor to do such a menial test?"

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