Chapter two: the sorta unexpected guests

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hope u guys liked the first chapter :)

I added some Sr Pelo references lol

TW: signs of attempted suicide and SH
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” (Y/N) mumbled quietly, he opened the door. “Hi! I definitely didn’t forget you guys were coming!” The two boys walked in. (Y/N) scratched his arm.

”So, do you want to order food? I brought some money, Kevin did too, so we can all pitch in to get pizza or something.” Streber asked. (Y/N) nodded.

Before he dialed the number, he asked what they wanted and they all agreed on pepperoni. After calling, they went in (Y/N)’s room, it was wasn’t that dirty but a bit cluttered. 

He had a TV stand that had some candy wrappers, his desk with his drawing tablet that had fuzzy worms, crumpled up papers, broken pieces of lead, and a bottle of sedatives, half of it was empty.

Kevin grabbed the bottle of sedatives and noticed it had a different persons name on it, “Hey, these aren’t yours, what are they doing here?” Kevin asked with suspicion.

(Y/N) looked over, practically ran over to Kevin, and grabbed the bottle, “Oh, I wonder how these got here hehe…” (Y/N) lied, hoping Kevin would believe him. He scratched his arm harder.

’I probably shouldn’t ask, I should wait for a better time.’ Kevin thought.

Streber looked at the TV to see that (Y/N) was watching Six. “You like Six?”

(Y/N) looked at the TV, “Yeah, I couldn’t find anything else to watch so I just put this on, it’s pretty good.”

The doorbell rang, they got the pizza and ate, they talked about a lot of things, and then the door open. (Y/N)’s sister, her wife, and his niece were home.

”(Y/N), who are they?” His sister asked.

(Y/N) panicked, “Oh, th-they’re friends from drama class. Kevin, Streber, meet my sister, Mary, my sister in law, Cathy, and their daughter and my niece, Penelope. Mary, Cathy, Penelope, meet Kevin and Streber.” They all said “hi”’s to each other.

”Hey, can I have some?” Penelope asked (Y/N).

He smiles, “Of course!” Penelope grabbed a slice and was on her way.

”So you don’t live with your parents?” Streber asked. (Y/N) shook his head. “Why?”

”They didn’t support me so they kicked me out, but jokes on them because my sisters gay too!” (Y/N) started laughing causing them to all laugh.

There was a small silence but (Y/N) broke it, “Do you guys wanna watch me play a scary game?”

”Sure.” The boys went to his room, he brought out his computer and the two of them sat beside (Y/N).

He put on a game called Tattletail. The two of them would help (Y/N) when he didn’t know what to do. Streber and (Y/N) absolutely loved the game, Kevin kinda liked it, he only liked the tattletails “HEHEHE” (Kevin mocked it then the tattletail said it making him laugh so fucking hard). It took them about an hour to play. (Y/N) kept messing up and embarrassing himself causing him to scratch his arm.

After that, the boys played Dead By Daylight. To their surprise, Kevin was amazing at being a the killer. They played the game for about two hours, then it was time for them to leave, they shared their goodbyes and then left.

~with Kevin and Streber~

Kevin and Streber were walking home, they didn’t really want it to be awkward, so Streber broke the silence. “Did you do those yourself?”

Kevin looked to see Streber was pointing at his piercings, “Yeah, they didn’t hurt that bad, if you want I can give you one.” Kevin suggested.

Streber had stars in his eyes, “YES PLEASE!” He yelled making Kevin out his hand over Streber’s mouth.

”SHHH! People are trying to sleep dude.” The two talked until they got to Kevin’s house.

Streber sat on Kevin’s bed as Kevin got his supplies ready. Kevin facepalms himself, “Shit! I forgot to ask, so what type of piercing do you want?”

Streber thought for about a minute until he made up his mind, “I want the vampire fangs! I’ve seen those and they look so cool!”

”Okay, one smiley piercing coming up.” He lines the needle then stabs Streber with it.

Streber flinches but it didn’t hurt that bad, Kevin left the needle in there while he was getting the ring. He put the ring on the needle, pushed it out so the ring can go in, then finished it by putting the small balls at the end of it (idk what they’re called so ye-).

”Remember to clean it, it’ll take four to twelve weeks to heal so I recommend you keep that one until if fully heals, then you can get the vampire fangs-“ Kevin gets cut off by Streber kissing him on the cheek.

”Thank you so much! I’ve wanted this forever! I love youuuu- SHIT-“ he quickly covers his mouth.

Kevin’s red as fuck, “Really?”

”Yeah, uh…do you wanna go out or something?”

”I don’t know, I MEAN I LIKE YOU…but I also kinda like (Y/N)…” Kevin confesses, preparing for Streber to be mad, instead he hears him laughing.

”DUDE, SAME!” Streber says, “So we both like each other and (Y/N). Guess were polly.”

”I guess so.”

~with (Y/N)~

Mary pokes her head through (Y/N)’s door, “Soooo, which one of them do you like?” She teases, startling her brother.


”C’mon, I can tell when you like someone, I’m your big sister! So who is it!” She pushes him.

(Y/N) hesitates, “Uhh…both of them.” He waits for backlash but gets hugged instead.

”AHHHH, (Y/N) HAS CRUSHES!” She sings while (Y/N) tries to get free.

She finally lets go. “OKAY! Just pinky swear you won’t make a big deal out of it.” (Y/N) hold out his pinky.

Mary locks her pinky with his.

”Pinky swear!”
SECOND CHAPTER LETS GOO! So I has a dogo now, his name is Kevin (I was gonna name him Streber but my family didn’t like the name :() I’ll try to update more frequently. Thanks for reading, have a good day/afternoon/night! :)


Basically dead </3 (Kevin x M!reader x Streber)Where stories live. Discover now