Chapter five: ITS SPOOKY- wait hol up...ITS CHRISTMAS!!!!

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~christmas eve~

(Y/N) rose out of bed and walked to the kitchen, Mary was making something in a pot, and Cathy was playing with Penelope.

Mary looked over to see her little brother, "Merry Christmas (Y/N)! I made canela!" She handed (Y/N) a mug and a spoon so he can add sugar. (Canela means cinnamon in English, té de canela is cinnamon tea, you boil water with cinnamon sticks in it, when it's done you can add sugar to make it sweeter!)

(Y/N) gets the sugar jar and poured four spoons of sugar in the drink (you can make it however much sugar you want). He takes a sip and immediately burns his tongue, he still drank it though. He sat on the table and scrolled through YouTube to find a something entertaining, but he got a group call from Streber and Kevin. 'Streber definitely started the call.' (Y/N) smiled as he joins the call.

"Merry Christmas!" Streber exclaims with stars in his eyes.

"Merry Christmas." Kevin says with a small grin.

"Merry Christmas to you guys too!" (Y/N) laughed, his tongue still hurt so it sounded weird when he spoke.

Kevin noticed, "You good?" He was concerned, he always was when it came to his boyfriends.

"Yeah, I just burnt my tongue on canela. It's doesn't hurt bad." (Y/N) reassures him.

"Canela is fucking good! I have an idea, let's spend Christmas together, if you can of course!" Streber suggests.

Kevin replies quickly, "I can make it. My family's going to have a holiday get together at a bar with my aunts and uncles. So I'm free!" Kevin says with a smile.

(Y/N) hesitates, "Uhh, I think I'll be able to go, I have to check with Mary first. Brb!" He mutes himself and walks up to Mary. "Heyyyyy, sis?" He shifts nervously while waiting for a reply.

Mary turns to him and smiles, "Yeah?"

"Ummm, I have a question, don't get mad! But can I go to Streber's house for Christmas?" He asked while fidgeting with his hands.

Mary hugs him, "Of course you can! I can't believe your growing up so fast! I remember when you were barely walking." She said with tears in her eyes.

"Thank you so much!" He hugs her back.

After the hug Mary whispers something in his ear, "We'll save your present for tomorrow, and your present from "Santa"." She hugs him again and then let's him go back on the call.

(Y/N) unmutes himself, "She said yeah!" The three of them cheered, but then they realized they haven't gotten each other presents yet.

"FUCK!" Kevin threw himself backwards, "I NEED TO GET YOU TWO PRESENTS! I'LL SEE YOU GUYS IN A BI-!" He hung up a little early.

The FaceTime ended, (Y/N) grabbed his keys and drove off to the nearest Walmart, he didn't change because the night before he didn't have the motivation to change into something comfortable so he just slept in normal clothes, his hair was messy but he didn't give a fuck. He knew what they wanted so he immediately went to the candy section, Kevin is an absolute sucker for Pop Rocks, mostly the cotton candy ones, and Streber loves Muddy Bears. He found the Kevin's easily but it took him five minutes to find Streber's. But he found it!

After getting them candy, he got them worms on a string! He then bought his boyfriends a movie, The Shining for Streber, and The Captain Underpants Movie for Kevin (the movie's underrated).

He went back home and grabbed a two party bags, he put the things in the bag, he went under his bed to find the bag full of pride flags, he got three packs of pride flags. He got these for his friends, Nico got an ally flag, Barret got an ally flag too, and Ella got a omnisexual and acesexuall. He put an pansexual, polly and a transgender pride flag in Kevin's bag and a gay and a polly pride flag in Streber's bag. He put tissue paper in the bag, put who it was from and who it was for on the tag, then baddabing baddaboom! (Y/N) was done.

He grabbed his phone and texted his boyfriends.

(Y/N)<3: so when are we gonna meet at Streber's house?

Streber<3: right now

Kevin<3: SRS?!

Streber<3: or whatever time you can come



(Y/N)<3: it's fine

Streber<3: (replying to (Y/N)<3) yeah Kevin it's fine!

This time, he actually changed into something "fancy", by that, he means a plain shirt, jeans, and platforms, he also fixed his hair a bit. He drove to Streber's house and parked near a tree. He got off with the bags and knocked on the door.

Streber opened the door and hugged (Y/N), "Welcome, to my house! Wait...isn't that from a song. Hmmmmmm, probably not." He drags (Y/N) inside. (Y/N) puts his gift under the tree before Streber dragged (Y/N) to his room.

When (Y/N) got there he found a bed full of stuffed animals, Streber jumped into the massive pile. "I got all of these at a claw machine!" He brags while tossing one to (Y/N). He successfully catches it, this one looked different from most of them. "Oh, I made some of them too." (Y/N) inspected the stuffed animal, it was a fuzzy green frog and it had fuzzy eyes. He tosses it back to Streber but he thought (Y/N) there it at him. So he threw it at (Y/N), causing a stuffed animal war.

Kevin arrived at the house and noticed the door was unlocked, he walked in and searched all of the rooms to find his boyfriends. Once he entered Streber's room, he immediately got hit with a stuffed animal. That's when the stuffed animal war came to a stop. After that, they watched Christmas movies until 11:06 PM.

They ordered food, to wait for the food they played Cards Against Humanity. After many rounds of that the food arrived, Streber paid and they ate while watching Corpse Bride. After the movie, they realized it was past 12:00 AM, so it was officially Christmas Day. They decided to open the presents.

Kevin opened his gifts, he got a video game and hand made stuffed animals from Streber. He also got pride flags, candy, a movie, and fluffy worms from (Y/N).

Streber got sticky hands, scary movie stickers, and a a Japanese carbonated drink from Kevin. Pride flags, movie, fluffy worms and candy from (Y/N).

(Y/N) got Left 4 Dead and hand made stuffed animals from Streber. A rubber worm, books that turned into musicals, musical stickers, and a monster.

After opening the gifts they all said thank you to each other, they were about to go to bed then Streber shot up from his spot, "Don't fall asleep yet!" He ran into his closet and grabbed a small portable camera, he walked to his boyfriends hugged them then snapped the picture. "Now we have a memory to look back on!" Streber says with excitement, the three laugh then soon fall asleep.

~time skip bc y e s~

(Y/N) looks through the closet to find his missing notebook, he soon finds it but he also finds something else. A small box, he opens it and memories flood back to him. A smile forms on his face, "Hey Kev, Strebs! Check this out!" His boyfriends go over to him to see the box they made in high school.

"I forgot we made that!" Streber takes the box and dumps it contents on the bed.

"Look! That's when we had our first date!" Kevin pointed at the picture of him and (Y/N) screaming at a zombie shooting game while Streber took a selfie.

"Oh yeah, I remember that!"

They spent the rest of the day looking through old memories, they got together almost five years ago, now they were living happily with each other.
Sorry the chapter is short, I wanted to get this out by today (Christmas day, it's 11:19 PM). Now the three guys are adults! I will make small side chapters that show memories of when they were younger (high school and college). Hope you enjoyed this chapter, have a good day/afternoon/night!


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