chapter 3: wha-

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(Y/N) arose from his bed, he looked at his phone for the time but something else caught his eye. "ITS HALLOWEEN LETS FUCKING GO!!!!!!" He runs down stairs, tripping on the second to last step and falling face first, still getting up and running to the kitchen to make breakfast. He only makes breakfast when he's in a good mood.

He makes pancake batter but adds orange food coloring, puts it in a piping bag, and makes an outline for a pumpkin. When he's done with the pancakes, he makes strawberry milkshakes. He starts the blender, Cathy walks into the kitchen rubbing her eyes.

She looks to see (Y/N) wide awake, which is pretty rare, "(Y/N) what the fuck are you doing?..." she asked.

(Y/N) stoped the blender and poured the milkshake into four cups, grabbed a sticky note, wrote "Extras ^^", and put it on the blender cup. "Making breakfast!" He smiled while getting the table ready.

Cathy's smiles, "It's 5:30."

(Y/N) stops and looks at her, "I-I knew that! Just wanted to get ready early, ya know!" He said nervously.

She walks up to him and ruffles his hair, "Well since I'm awake, I'll make sausage and bacon since you don't like the jumping oil." She chuckles as she gets the bacon and sausage out.

"Thanks Cathy!" (Y/N) whisper shouts. They make the food, now it's 6:20.

Cathy looks at (Y/N), "Why were you up so early anyways?"

(Y/N) looks at her and smiles widely, "Because it's the spookiest day of the spookiest month! Halloween!" He cheers.

She giggles and shushes him, "When your sister said that you were childish I didn't really believe her until now."

"I'm not childish!" (Y/N) pouted.

Cathy chuckles, once she finished the bacon and sausage, the two put the things on four plates. (Y/N) stares at the food feeling proud of themselves for not burning of undercooking the pancakes like last time.

Soon, Mary and Penelope got up and went to the table. They all ate and went what they had to do, (Y/N) had to get into his Halloween costume quickly so he can be in the cafeteria when it's quiet. He got dressed and got in his car. When he got to the school, it was 7:08.

He went inside and sat on a table, put in ear buds, turned on his music, and brought out his tablet and continued on his small "for fun" project. He worked on it for about 20 minutes until his friend, Nico showed up.

"So what are you supposed to be?" Nico asked.

(Y/N) smiles knowing he'd be able to do a cool character introduction, "Greetings and salutations, I'm Jason Dean, JD for short. That sounded way cooler when the original actor said it." (Y/N) sighed, he took the green toy gun out of his pocket, "This costume was an excuse to bring this." He points the nerf gun at Nico and shoots him.

Nico smiles, "That's a pretty good costume. Anyways, I'm one of those blow up dinosaur things, imma put it on when breakfast is- actually, screw it!" Nico inflates the dino costume.

The two talk for a while, more kids came and came. Soon the last bus arrived with two of (Y/N)'s friends, Ella, who was a rat, and Barret, who was Yoshi. The four of them cracked jokes and talked to each other until breakfast was over.

They all went into their classes, (Y/N) had seen multiple costumes, Jason with a loaf of bread, Coraline, killer clowns, and a shit ton of ghost face's. After school was done, he went to the theater.

He sat down next to Kevin, who was Candy Man and Streber, who was a vampire. They chatted about "who's tiktok fyp is more cursed".

"Oh crap, I forgot to show you something!" Streber opened his mouth to reveal a piercing. "Kevin gave it to me!" He points to Kevin who gives a small smile.

"Woah, that's so cool!" (Y/N) swings his legs back and forward. (Y/N) suddenly had an amazing idea, "Can you give me one?" He asked Kevin.

"Sure, what kind?" Kevin waited until (Y/N) responded.

It took him a while to think about it, but soon he came up with an answer, "SNAKE BITE!" He says.

Kevin smiled. "Okay."

"Thank you!" (Y/N) ruffles Kevin's hair, causing him to blush. "Ooooo! How about before that, the three of us could go trick or treating together!" He hugs Kevin and Streber.

"Sure! That'll be fun." Streber says, they all talked about their favorite candy because it was Halloween!

The drama teacher walked in, they all sat in a circle and said their lines and sang. The teacher didn't have them dance because the majority of the students were wearing costumes, everyone was relieved.

Once rehearsal was done, the three boys drove to Kevin's house, they called each other so they could talk due to being in separate cars.

Soon they got to Kevin's house, they went inside and chatted until it got dark. To pass the time they watched Halloween specials and guys trying on sexy costumes, also known as any female costume from Spirit Halloween. When it was 8:00, they grabbed a plastic bag and were on their way.

Streber was having a blast, Kevin was having fun, while (Y/N) was also having fun but was scared of the houses that were overly decorated, causing him to either hug one of the boys while going, or just waiting for them.

"I got a shit ton of candy!" (Y/N) yells while pulling the two towards Kevin's house.

Streber laughs maniacally, "NOT AS MUCH AS ME DICK HEAD!"

Kevin smiles at the two, 'God I love these fucking dorks.'

Once they get inside, (Y/N) crawls up the stairs like a small child. He runs to Kevin's room and checks his candy (manz may be suicidal, but he's still cautious). Soon they all check their candy, trading and gambling with their candy.

Streber picks up his phone to text Kevin.

Strebs: ok so when are we going to tell him

Kevinnnn: idk how bout before I give him the piercing ig idk

Strebs: use words :)

Kevinnnn: no <3

Kevin looked nervous but soon gained the confidence to speak, "So (Y/N), we've been meaning to tell you something." Kevin says seriously.

"Oh, did I do something wrong?" (Y/N) immediately panics and scratches his arm, soon drawing some blood.

Steber holds (Y/N)'s arm, "What? No, we just wanna ask and tell you something!" That calmed (Y/N) down a bit.

Kevin goes on, "Okay, so when we first met I thought you were cute, and when I met Streber I also thought he was cute. Apparently he felt the same way too, so what I'm trying to say you wanna go out with us, y'know like all three of us?"

"Wha-?" (Y/N) said with a confused face, he looked flustered.

The boys frowned, "Guess that's a no-"

Streber got cut off by (Y/N) hugging and kissing the two boys. "YES YES YES YES!" He yelled while tearing up.

The three guys hugged each other. Kevin did (Y/N) piercing, they played games, then laid down and watched a horror movie.

"Did I tell you guys how much I love you two?" (Y/N) asked, Kevin and Streber chuckled because he's been saying that ever since the three of them were officially in a relationship.

"I love you guys so much...*yawn*...I don't know what I'" Kevin looked at (Y/N) who had fallen asleep, Streber looked like he was going to fall asleep. Kevin turned the TV off and cuddled the two of them, this Halloween was very eventful for the three of them...but this is just the beginning.
My fingers hurt but it was worth it :), sorry this chapter took a little longer to come out my dog has been biting me sm I have scabs now lmaoooo. Have a good morning/afternoon/night!


Basically dead &lt;/3 (Kevin x M!reader x Streber)Where stories live. Discover now