Chapter 17: Bad Hair day

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Monty-Lloyd pouted when he heard that Firecracker-Kai and Phoenix-Nya went out with their counterparts without asking him. He laid his head on the kitchen table as he nibbled on one of the cookies that Zane had just baked, his third batch. Stress baking.

His new horns no longer hurt, but they still felt weird, especially when someone touched them. A long strand of hair fell into his face and he attempted to blow it out of it but the strand just kept falling back, he huffed as he slid it back and felt the new length, now past his shoulder. At least no one can make fun of him for that stupid haircut Darkly's forced onto him, but now it was a mess and he didn't know what to do with it.



"Do you know what to do with hair?"

He paused what he was doing, "I do not, hair has never been an issue with me," he turned, and he was covered in cooking ingredients, "Maybe Jay or Cole? Since Kai and Nya are not here right now."

Lloyd continued to eat at the cookie as he leaned back into the chair, and shrugged, "I guess..."

The front door slammed open followed by hurried footsteps that could be heard as they closed in on the kitchen. Komo-Lloyd with a panicked look on his face, "Hide me!"

There were more steps that followed along with voices, making Komo have a look of terror as he went to the other side of the room when Blizard-Zane came in with a pair of scissors and Blitz-Jay on his back in what looked to be an attempt to hold him back, "Zane put the scissors down!" Blitz begged as he attempted to reach for the scissors in Blizard's hand.

"Lloyd needs a haircut."

"You don't even know how to cut it! Remember when you gave me one?"

"Yes, you looked like artist Ross Bob!"

"I looked ridiculous!"

Boulder came up behind them, "Zane maybe let someone who knows what they're doing handle it."

More footfalls could be heard as Sparky and Rocky also entered after hearing the ruckus, "What's going on?"

"Blizard wants to try and cut Komo's hair!" Blitz tried to swipe and grab the scissors only to barely miss.

The younger earth and lightning ninja looked at Komo who was backed into a counter watching the older ice ninja like a hawk, ready to bolt any minute at the slightest movement. "Hey, Blizard, how about we take care of this?" Rocky suggested as he easily took the scissors out of the blond's hand, making Blitz sigh in relief. His icy blue eyes blinked, "You know how to do hair?"

"I probably know more than Rocky," Sparky boasted before the raven could reply, as he took the scissors out of his friend's hand.

Rocky rolled his eyes while Blitz hopped off of Blizard's back. "Since when?"

"Mom taught me."

"Didn't Martinie Openhimer's school have those lessons, Rocky?" Frosty asked, finally wiping off his hands of baking ingredients.

The younger earth ninja visibly shuttered, "Don't remind me, during some practice, they'd dress us up, it took forever."

"You too?" Rocky turned to his older counterpart and answered, "Yeah, but I ran away and met Wu when I was rock climbing."

Boulder frowned as he fiddled with his headphones, but turned towards Blizard, "Hey, how about you stay here with Frosty and we can deal with the hair problem."

Blizard's eyes scanned the kitchen and saw that it was a mess and so was his younger counterpart, "Sure! But if you need my help-"

"W-we'll be okay," Blitz looked over at Komo who was still watching Blizard, but glanced at them when the older blue ninja motioned him to come over, he bolted out of the room. He and Boulder sighed, and made their way out of the kitchen. Sparky and Rocky looked over at Monty, "You want one too? It won't be like that dumb bowl cut you hate so much," Jay said as he held up the scissors.

He was literally just asking Frosty about this before Komo burst in. "Yeah," he snatched another cookie off the table and left, casting one more glance at the two ice ninjas before disappearing from sight.

The three older teens went out onto the deck with Boulder grabbing a chair that was up against the wall, and motioning the bond to sit, who did so with a relieved sigh. "I'll go grab some towels," Rocky stated as he turned back to the door and went in to retrieve supplies.

Sparky grabbed another chair and sat it for the younger blond who was finishing up the cookie he swiped before he left the room. Rocky came back with towels, hairbrushes, and a spray bottle, he handed a towel to Boulder who wrapped it around Komo's shoulders while he wrapped the other around Monty's.

"Okay, here we go."


An hour later the two blonds were looking in a handheld mirror looking at their new haircuts, there was a lot of hair pulling and whining from the brush that refused to pass through knots, but it was easier sailing once it was done. It did take longer for Komo however with his hair being longer than Monty's.

Monty's was now shoulder length that framed his face, and Komo's was trimmed down but was still past his shoulders and was now twisted into a braid. "Why a braid?"

"It actually looks good on you," Blitz stated as he brushed off his scarf for any hairs that may have stuck to the orange material.

Sparky stood in front of the two as he looked over them, "Definitely an improvement."

Monty stuck his tongue out at the blue ninja, who only laughed in response and patted his head. As he pulled away phone notifications went off, he got out his phone and saw a posted picture from Mei's account. Sparky's eyes went wide seeing the three girls with their dyed hair, "Nya?!"

"Whoa, she went all out huh?" Boulder commented.

"Can I get one too?!" Monty asked after seeing the picture himself.

"Eh," Rocky rubbed the kid's head, "Let's take a break on the hair stuff for now Green Bean." Earning a groan from him.

Another notification popped up, this time from the group chat from Phoenix, with a picture and a sentence. An image of Firecracker-Kai zoomed in to his newly pierced ear. "What?!"

Another image was posted, this one from Blaze himself, and a selfie with him pointing at his new earing on the opposite ear from Firecracker's own.

"I figured he'd get it done again," Komo said as he reacted to the image on his phone, along with other messages popping up. One of them came from the giggly blond asking for one himself.


We all know Kid!Lloyd looks up to Kai to the point that I could see him copying him in some cases, like him trying to copy his hair or some cute shit like that. He'd also think that they were cool and would probably get a dragon. So yeah this one was on the shorter side, but I hoped you liked it anyway.

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