Chapter 40: Ping Pong Panic

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"Pigsy?" Blaze peaked his head in the kitchen, not seeing the pig demon he walked back out to see Frosty coming back behind the counter. Blaze scratched his head in confusion, as he turned around to face the younger Ice Master, "He wouldn't leave the shop like this..."

"Tang is not in here either, it is strange," Zane hummed as he tried to think, his tail swaying in thought.

Blaze sighed before his eyes lit up, "Wait did he come back in after MK drove off?"

The blond looked over, "He may not have." A scream came from the outside, making the two jerked their head towards the door. They rushed over and peeked out only to see Tang face down on the ground, "Tang!"

Frosty rushed forward and knelt beside the man, "What happened?"

"Ah he'll be fine," The teens turned and saw Pigsy, his mouth twisted into a wide grin with a glint in his eyes as he bounced a ball on a paddle, "Hey, would you kids like to play a round?"

The two frowned and looked at one another, "What about the shop?"

"A little break ain't hurt nobody, so what do you say?" He caught the ball with the same hand that had the paddle.

The two teens could only cast worried looks at one another as Pigsy paddled the ball.


Monty-Lloyd could only watch through the window as those strange plant creatures ran amok in Sandy's home, most of his cats other than Mo were at a cat spa across town. Wincing as a vase was knocked over, "What am I gonna do? They're not gonna believe me!"

"Merow," he looked over at the blue cat, his eyes trained on a jar in the room, Sandy's Sleepy Time Tea. His eyes widen in surprise before grinning, " Yes."

The kid hopped down and ran over to the button that led down to the hidden base with all of the mechs, Mo took a ride on his shoulders as they rode down. There were so many to pick from, Lloyd's red eyes glimmered at the possibilities. Mo leaped, nearly knocking the kid over, and ran over to a small blue mech hidden in the corner of the room. In no time the hatch closed over the cat and the mech raced over to the mech exit, leaving Lloyd behind. "Hey!" He pouted but slammed the button on the elevator, he wanted to watch!

When he made it to the top the door was already wide open and squeals could be heard coming from the inside, he ran over and saw Mo spraying the Sleepy Tea on the creatures, knocking them out cold. One raced for the door only for Lloyd to block it, grinning down when it looked up at him, it made a whimpering sound and tried to run again only to get blasted across the room by tea. Lloyd looked around the room and saw every single one of those rascals was out, he let out a sigh.

Mo hopped out of the mech, looking exhausted, but grabbed one of the creatures by the scruff of its neck before carrying it back onto the dock where the crate was. It'd be easier to help. so he helped pick up some and put them back in where they belonged. He did not want to get blamed for this!


Lloyd lay on the couch next to Sandy with Mo resting on his stomach he was wiped out and he didn't even need that tea. He was about to doze off when he heard MK land on the deck with other footsteps to follow, "Who wants some tea?"


The blond groaned as he just fell back onto the couch he needed a break.


Macaque glanced outside his dojo's window, he could hear chaos going on and about, only for it to go silent finally, but he could hear the destruction and the injured groans of people. Wukong's kid probably causing havoc, like mentor, like student. He turned his head to look over the rail and saw Morro attacking one of the training dummies that he sat up for him.

The kid was...interesting, he reeked of death but was very much alive like him. He was special he knew, that scar under his eye would glow when he got really into training. The kid was quiet, he'd give him a hell of a glare when he'd try to bring up anything about his life, or death. Then again not like he told the kid how he died. That wasn't his business.

The kid did a roundhouse kick and knocked the dummy off its stand, the left arm broke off the doll, and a large crack split up the chest.

This kid was something else, he had to be maybe 14 or 15, he was an expert with a sword, he was fast, and his hits were strong. Another fascinating factoid about the kid was his powers, being able to control the air around him, gives him so many more possibilities to win against his opponents.

He wasn't from around these parts, and neither were those that he was living with on those boats. All with powers, and friends with Wukong Jr, he watched the kid, he had a long way to go if he was going to set Morro on the brat. He saw a flicker in the shadows in the corner of his eye, they whispered to him, 'She's here...she's close...'

He frowned, he should get out of the may not like them, but Wukong was able to stop her once, he can do it again, and again, his student is here.

He resisted a cold shutter.

He was okay, he was going to be fine. He's avoided her for this long, and he will continue to do so. She may be loose, but he wasn't the one to let her out. He shook his head and turned his attention back towards his student, black hair swayed, as he was shaking his head. His shoulders were tensed he could see unease in his eyes, before punching another dummy, right off its hook.

The shadow monkey smirked, this kid was something else.

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