Chapter 39: You have Sisters too Red

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Red Son sighed as they looked over the worksheets, they gave Firecracker to try and work on his reading and writing skills, and he has improved quickly in the past few days, but his handwriting still needed work. The sun was down, and they were just using a lamp as lighting to read the papers. They didn't hear as MK pulled up a chair and sat next to the redhead with two steaming noodle bowls, "Wacha' doing?"

Red glanced at him and sighed, pulling a notebook that was laid out to the side, "Trying to schedule training and Blaze and Firecracker, as well as assisting Firecracker with his workbooks I gave him. Not to forget I still need to run a test on the lightening dragons' venom" They easily opened the book with one hand and skimmed over it, not seeing the look MK was giving them.

"What about Phoenix and Storm?"

"What about them?"

"Well, you adopted the boys as your brothers, and the girls as your sisters, but you never hand out with them."

Red blinked, Noodle Boy was right, they had hardly spoken to the girls since they started to stay in the city. Their eyes narrowed, how could they allow that to happen, they would never intentionally neglect their sisters. It must be because of the recent chaos of training the Fire Masters, and learning the younger one can't read.

They had to make this up. They were Demon Bull Royalty after all, and family means everything. They had to make it up to them. He could glance out the window and saw the dark skies out the window only being slightly illuminated by the city's streetlights.

First thing in the morning, they had to make it right, they could postpone their brothers' training to later, but they had to get to know their sisters!

Their thoughts were interrupted when they heard slurping next to them. Turning they looked blankly at MK who met their gaze and grinned with noodles dangling from his lips. "I brought you food, you should eat." Red rolled their eyes, but took the bowl next to them, the smell, as always enticing, but like hell would they admit they liked the pig's food. They took the chopsticks that laid over the bowl, taking a bite, there was a hint of spice that wasn't in Pigsy's regular bowls. They snuck a glance at the brunet who just continued to eat.


Storm and Phoenix walked onto one of the Bountys when they saw Red Son standing there, "Glad to see you made it."

The two black-haired girls glanced at each other, "What is this about?"

They cleared their throat as they walked over, "It's come to my attention that I haven't spent time with my sisters, so I would like to make a day of it...if you would like?"

The two girls glanced at each other again and shared a shrug, "Sure."

"Good. So, what would you two like to do?"

"How about some training."


2 hours later

Red Son let out a sigh, as Phoenix slammed her fist into the wood below. Storm sat in the sidelines watching with a concerned look that could be taken as pity. "I can't do this..." Phoenix huffed, still trying to catch her breath.

"You can," Red retorted, only for the younger to glare up at him, "We've been at this for hours! Face it I don't have powers like the others!"

"You're giving up?" They raised a brow.

She bared her teeth as she stood up, but didn't say anything.

"'Nix," Phoenix looked at Storm, "It's okay not getting it right away, you just have to keep going. Even though it's hard."

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