Chapter 23: At the Gala

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Three Days Later

Sparky-Jay let out a whistle as he looked over the skyline of the city, impressed with how fast the city appeared to pull itself back together, well, building wise was mostly around the crater but the construction had already fixed nearly everything. The technology they had was incredible. It took a couple of months for Ninjago City to get back on track after the Great Devourer attacked and even then several roads were still closed due to construction.

He took note that the sun was starting to set behind the horizon and was reminded that he needed to get back to the Bounty. Shutting the electrical box, he went downstairs where he collected his payment and left.


Mei came to the Bountys yesterday, she forced the two teams together so she could explain, and although she was speaking too fast for most to understand he got it. There was a party that she had to attend with her parents, but she heard a rumor that someone who was going to be there had made claims recently that he had found a way to dimension hop. A way home?

When they asked when and where she said it was exclusive and that if they wanted to go they would have to sneak in, and she wasn't allowed to bring any plus ones, or else she would bring MK. She mentioned that the theme was inspired by the West, whatever that means. So they immediately made an attempt a plan, and to try and keep a low profile of two teams of two, while the others would be outside and keep an eye on things. Making sure that they weren't going to be discovered.

So each team was going to pose as a 'couple', and right as soon as that was said, both Nyas point-blank denied being part of the date, just because they were the only girls there. None of the guys could argue, the older team knew better than to try, and besides, they weren't going to force her to do something if she didn't want to, while the younger team backed down by her glaring daggers at them.

They wanted to be well disguised, in case they were found to be uninvited guests, and just in case to not be tracked down if it was bad. Not to forget that Mei mentioned that there would be demons as well, mostly those that kept a high standing and had good business ties with humans, mostly with her family. They wanted to stay away from them as well, even if it meant someone else was going to have to wear a dress.

While they tried to rework some of the plans for who would be placed where, Blaze, with no prompting, volunteered to wear the dress. Making the younger team look up in shock while glancing at their own fire ninja, when asked why the older brunet grinned and just said, "They go spinny." Nothing else was elaborate on that.

Firecracker took that moment to state since his older counterpart was going in then he should be on the outside. Frosty was also out when Blizzard volunteered to be Blaze's 'date'. Leaving Rocky and Sparky, as Phoenix refused to go in, and Monty was too young. The auburn-haired teen stood no chance next to his bulkier friend. He just buried his face into his hands with a groan.

The groups continued to talk about the plan to sneak in. Sparky sighed and snuck a look at the taller teen, Cole would probably look good in a suit.


Sparky-Jay huffed as Phoenix-Nya finished adding one of her necklaces on him, a dull red contrasting with the bright blue dress he was wearing. He has no idea how the older team was able to get a hold of these things so quickly, but at least he can breathe in it and didn't look like a disaster like the last time he wore a dress. He doesn't even have to wear a wig this time.

The dress he was wearing was bright blue with a yellow floral pattern at the bottom that ended at his shins. It hugged his waist but wasn't tight on his skin. His nails were repainted and filed to remove the chips and bitten-off residue. He was wearing black flats, and his hair showed the natural curl that he tended to hide, but it was styled in a way so as to not look messy. Not to forget the makeup, which consisted of eyeliner, blue eyeshadow, and only wearing a little concealer to hide some of his freckles, hoping the guys would just think that the freckles that showed were dotted on eyeliner.

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