A⃣b⃣o⃣u⃣t⃣ M⃣e⃣

15 4 4

Hobbies: Obsessing, sleeping, watching Anime, raging, reading wattpad, GOING THROUGH PINTEREST, sarcasm.

(edit, Apr. 26. 2023) Hobbies: sleeping, fangirling, daydreaming, reading wattpad, scrolling through tiktok, meeting my friends

(edit, jun. 4. 2023) hobbies: sleeping, fangirling, dancing, singing, drawing, scrolling through tiktok, talking to my friends, writing, journaling, making schedules, crying :)

Fears: Sea Urchins, what's in the dark, HALLUCINATION, not being believed, Taylor Swift retires, Anime gets forgotten, insects, my family.

(edit, apr. 26. 2023) Fears: the ocean, what's in the dark, old timey cartoons, hallucinating, taylor retiring, going to court, getting a death sentence, insects, myself

(edit, jun. 4. 2023) Fears: the ocean, what's in the dark, hallucinating, small spaces, tiny holes clustered together, big things (megalophobia), death sentences, electric chairs, big crowds,  taylor retiring, 2030 stray kids contract ending,

Current favorite song: Pink Venom (Sept. 12. 2022) 

yeah no now it's Burning Pile or Hayloft both of them are by Mother Mother (Dec. 10. 2022)

Ok now it's dorothea by taylor swift (Apr. 26. 2023)

hahah now it's hits different by tay or s-class by skz (jun. 4. 2023.)

I'll add more when I remember more sooo... yeah.

Word count: 156

-Depressed cockie

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