Chapter 4

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So i know i'm not the best at writing books hell i hate writing lol but i had this book in my head for a while the only reason its taking me so long to write this book is cuz i'm not sure how to write it out but i'm trying my better to make it more fun


Oliver's Pov

I wonder what my mom got me. I hope it’s something different than what she got me last year, god I still have nightmares about that gift, and fun or something I can use.

‘’There you are, ok well I know that the last few years I haven't done much for your birthday and I'm sorry for that but I'm hoping you will love this gift." My Mom smiles with hope showing in her eyes.

"Mom I'm sure whatever you got me I'll like it but I still hope is not something girly like you gave me last year." I shudder at the memories.

" Wait....... your mom got you something girly? Why?" Toby asks trying not to laugh but didn’t succeed.

"Uhm yeah she thought because I'm gay that I would like girl stuff I don't mind some stuff but not clothes." I told Toby feeling embarrassed as I blushed.

"Nice, would I be scared of what she got you?" Toby questions as he looks at my mom and then back at me.

" Uhmmmm..Some stuff, yes I think so". I frowned why did he ask me that?

"OK enough about that, I know it’s your birthday but the gift is for both of you guys." My mom hands me and Toby a card.

We just looked at each other than at my mom.

"Well open it.’’ Kathy (Toby's mom) squeals excited.

We got a 4 day tickets to go to Big Kahuna's water park in Florida.

"Wow mom, thank you, and thank you I love it." I scream as I hug mom and Kathy, catching me by surprised, I feel Toby hugging us from behind me OH MY GOD he feels nice a warm.

"When do we go?" Toby asks and I fight the urge to moan as I feel his hot breath fanning my neck.

‘’We’ll be going today the drive is going to be long but we will be there by tomorrow." Kathy chirps smiling at us.

"So me, Toby, and you guys are going?" I ask not minding if they came.

"Yes we’re going too but we’re not going to the water park with you and Toby. Kathy and I are staying in the same place but we are doing our own thing if that is ok?" My mom asks.

"YAY SWEET long Road trip and water park SWEEEEET. Can't wait to start going but doesn't Oliver need to go home to get clothes for the trip though?" Toby glances at me while asking my mom.

"I already got his clothes and don't worry I didn't pick your clothes, the girls did it for you because they know you taste of clothes better than me." Mom says as she notice the terror in my eyes.

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