Chapter 5

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Oliver's POV

Oh great why do they have to come here? why can't I have one night without drama?

I know for a fact they are going to see me with Toby, but I hope they don't do anything stupid with my mom and Kathy.

My mom doesn't know I have been bulled at school and I dont want her to.

hmmmm I wounder what Toby would do if they saw us. Toby said he wants to be my friend so this is going to be fun. no doubt there will be a fight or Hunter is going to open his big mouth.

Toby most have notice that i was nervous because he put his hand on my knees to try and calm me. But it's going to take a lot more then that to calm me down.

" Well well look at this Toby and emo kid eating dinner together, Really Toby? You'er going to sit there with him? come on man sit with us and eat so you don't come out gay to like this faggot." Hunter says

"WHAT!!! What did you call my son? Hunter? you better hope i don't talk to your mom but this". Mom says

" Mom please don't it's not new they always talk to me like this at school i'm use to it i wish i wasn't but whatever". i told her hoping she would just drop it.

"NO I'm not going to sit here and watch them talk to you like that just because you are gay it doesn't mean they have the rights to talk to you like that your still human with feeling and a big heart. They have no rights to talk to you like that. Just because they can't stand gay guys doesn't mean they can go around trying to be you feel lower then them. Hell you guys use to be friends." my mom says when everyone was looking to her.

" Well I don't care what you say to my mother Melissa she can't stand gays to so go ahead and talk her." hunter says to my mother.

" Hunter shut up if you know whats good for you i told you I want us to leave Oliver and the others alone. I mean it why do you got to be a dick? You think is makes you cooler then others? but really it doesn't I wish I never told you about him." Toby says getting up into Hunter's face.

I got off the booth and ran to the washroom, I can't take it anymore why does have to happen to me maybe I shouldn't be friends with Toby it's just going to get him in trouble with Hunter and the guys and I don't want to be in the meddle of it all.

Looking at myself I wish I was like everyone else I wish I liked girls and not guys so I wouldn't have to put up with the drama. But I can't do anything about it. I hate that I'm diffenert from everyone around here hell I think I'm the only open gay guy in this town.

" Well look at this the faggot thinks he can hide. But guess what you can't hide from us we will alway find you". Hunter says coming in from behind me.

"I wasn't hiding I just don't want to fight into front of my mother and kathy".

"Oh you really think they care about I bet your father doesn't care. bet he just said he loves you. so you would think he really cares for you. who the hell want to care for a faggot like you really?"

Hunter throws me to the wall and punches me hard in the back and twist my arm be hide me so I can't move.

"AHHHHHH" tears rolling down, bitting my lips to stop crying.

"See you should have stand in the close or just kill yourself really and you would have never have to feel pain but then again it's more fun for us right guys?" Hunter asks the guys they just nod thier heads and smile.

"I never did anything to you guys hell I never looked at you guys more then like a brother". i told them trying not to cry.

"See we don't care how you see us. We don't want faggots like you around this town."

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