Chapter 7

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I'm so sorry its been a long ass time life was down hill for me but its getting better now I finally find a place cant wait to move in soon but I will write more soon as I can I hope no one hates me for waiting so long i'm so sorry I hope this will make up so lost I didn't write this chapter I had a friend help me with it

Oliver’s Pov

We were riding in the car playing the I spot game, when my mom sighs.

‘’I’m so glad their back to talking.’’ She chirps happily and I smile at her, I could tell she was really happy.

"I’m just glad my son got his head out of his ass, and apologize for being a jerk,’’ Toby’s mom snorts as she turns around to face us

. ‘’If I was Oliver, I would make him suffer before forgiving him.’’ I giggle and Toby whines, ‘’mom.’’ He gaped at her as if she was being impossible.

‘’You know, that sounds good, huh I wonder.’’ I said while scratching my chin with my hand as I eyed Toby making him squirm under my gaze.

‘’Oliver, you said you forgive me, please don’t listen to that horrible woman.’’ Toby whines and I start laughing my ass off. ‘’Toby, this horrible woman still owns you til you’re eighteen years old, so watch it buddy.’’ He scoffs as his mom says that while pointing at herself.

‘’Yes mom, I’m sorry I just want Oliver to be my friend again and I don’t know what I would do if he didn’t forgive me,’’

I got quiet as I heard Toby said that, ‘’my life wouldn’t be the same anymore.’’ Toby whispers low enough only for me to hear as he stares at me,

the look in his eyes was one I never saw before, I wasn’t sure that it was what I thought,

it wasn’t hate, disgust or fear no it was an emotion like the ones the prince gives to a princess on a movie,

one that says I love you with all my heart and it would kill me if you didn’t love me back.

The emotion that can say that without words, just looking into each other’s eyes would say it.

Toby’s pov

I look in to Oliver’s eyes and see he had a look of confusement, I wonder why?

I wanted to tell him that I love him but I was a coward, I fear that he would turn me down and not be my friend anymore.

I was scared he wouldn’t forgive like my mom pointed out, I was serious when I said about if he didn’t forgave me, my life would forever be change. I wanted to have his friendship, his love even if it was on a friend level and not romantically, I wished for that though but I would be happy if he only chooses to be my friend and nothing more.

‘’Toby, are you ok?’’ His voice sounded concern and I smile at him, hiding my worries away.

‘’Yeah I’m fine Oliver, how about we play another game?’’ I offer with a smile, he stares at me for a while; he was probably trying to see if I was telling the truth about me being ok. How could I tell him the truth? How could I tell him about my fears, I already lost him once from me being an asshole, I didn’t want to lose him again.

Oliver smiles at me, but I could tell he came to the conclusion that I was lying.

He opens his mouth about to reply to me but his stomach grumbles.

He blushed and I snickered, ‘’mothers Oliver’s stomach is about to eat us all if we don’t stop and feed the beast.’’ I chirp smiling. And Oliver glares at me.

‘’Oh ok honey, we can stop and get something to eat at the next exit.’’ Oliver’s mom offers and Oliver smiles at her.

We were quiet for a minute until Oliver sighs and breaks the silent.

‘’I’m glad we’re friends again Toby.’’ His words shock me but I still manage to nod slowly.

‘’I’m glad as well, I really did missed you.’’ I state in a low voice so the mothers wouldn’t hear us talk.

‘’It’s going to take a while to get the friendship we used to have but I know we’ll get there.’’ Oliver smiles sweetly. I wanted to shout, I don’t want our friendship back, I want more with you, I want to love you, protect you. I want to be the one that makes you laugh, and console you when you’re crying. I want to be the one to hold you when something bad happens to you. But all I could say was, ‘’I know we will Oliver, I know we will.’’ My heart was hurting at my own words.

I felt sad, I felt as if I just lost the window of opportunity to become more then friends with Oliver. I was stuck in the friend zone, and I didn’t know if I was going to move from there at all.

Oliver smiles at me as he reaches for my hand, at first I just stared at it, the small shocks I felt were a nice feeling but apparently I stared for longer than I thought because Oliver saw my face and try to take his hand back, I was quicker, and I held onto it tighter so he wouldn’t let go. It felt nice holding hands with him, the tingling sensations still there and I wonder if Oliver felt them too.

Maybe there was hope after all; maybe Oliver’s feelings could go from liking me

as a friend to loving me as a boyfriend. Maybe with a little push from me I could

get him to see how good of a boyfriend I could be.

And just like that I regain small hope that Oliver would see me as I see him, that he would grow to love me as I love him, my future was nothing if Oliver wasn’t in it. I was a love sick teenager and Oliver was the only one that could cure me

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