Case Report 1: Project Approval

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It's been about 1 full month since the loss of Superman, and the world still feels the shockwaves of his death. The good folk feel dejected and hopeless, meanwhile the low time criminals feel as though they can run the streets with impunity. However the most dangerous thing to worry about is how the criminal organizations will profit on the chaos. It's an international mad grab for power in the vacuum left by the Man Of Steel's departure.

At a steakhouse in Gotham City, a table of government big wigs are discussing this very matter. Particularly, they're discussing what to do with these consequences of the death of Superman. One woman in particular, Cadmus leader Amanda Waller is proposing an idea that sounds crazy.

"Is this your Task Force X project, Amanda?" One of the senators asked her as he ate his steak. In response, Amanda Waller lifted a heavy folder onto the table.

"Yes it is, this time you might want to listen to what I have to say," She said as she opened the file to the first profile on her list.

"Floyd Lawton, otherwise known as Deadshot. The man is a human arsenal and an assassin for hire. The most wanted hitman in the world with an elite clientele," Waller explained, passing a copy of Deadshot's file for everyone else to read.

"He's the man who never misses, with any weapon you give him. At any angle, at any distance. Perfect for this sort of team," Waller explained.

"Ok so a guy who doesn't miss a shot, but your Task Force X plan has a caveat where they could be used to take on Meta-Enhanced individuals. Most of those individuals would have some form of resistance to damage like bullets, or some way to avoid a bullet," Another representative retorted.

"That's where this next pick comes in. Waylon Jones, otherwise known as the Killer Croc. An expert crocodile wrestler turned performer, he has a metagene that makes his skin an armored hide and superhuman strength and aquatic movement speed. Strong, intense and knows how to fight," Waller introduced, handing a copy of Jones's file for everyone to go over as well.

"Okay but even an armored hide can only handle so much. A big wall of scales and meat isn't enough. We would need to have an idea of who or what this team going to be dealing with," A department head spoke up.

"For that, we have the choice of Harley Quinn. Before she joined the Joker's circus, she was Dr. Harleen Quinzel. She thought she was going to try and cure the Joker's psychosis in Arkham Asylum. She ended up falling in love with him, and helping him escape the Asylum," Waller introduced. This choice immediately got people talking, and confused at that.

"She packs a mean swing, a steady hand, and can still read a person like a psychological handbook. Dangerous tools for a woman who knocks boots with the Joker. She can help Joker figure out weaknesses to exploit in people," Waller continued.

"So she can read a target and figure out their weaknesses, but you won't always be dealing with single targets. What if you have to deal with compounds with security systems and fortifications not unlike Fort Knox?" A lieutenant asked. Waller flipped to two more files.

"These two are going to be our security consultants in this scenario. Peter Parker, a metahuman with spider based abilities. Heightened reflexes, enhanced speed, super strength, the ability to traverse walls and ceilings like we walk on flattened ground and a preternatural form of precognition that allows him tof virtually avoid danger as it comes," Waller said. The lieutenant had another question concerning this person.

"How does this person help our security issue?" He asked. Waller leaned forward, her hands clasped together with a smirk on her face.

"With all of those powers, he's also a genius. Any and all of the technology that this man carries with him he built himself. He may have had to deal with the green archer, but by all means he could have taken on Batman,"

"What's the point of this guy? Scared people with arachnophobia?" Someone asked.

"The Spider-Man as he's called is known for infiltration and espionage. He can also utilize his skills for assassinations though. Since he's good at cracking security systems, he can figure out how to infiltrate anything he's set up with. Why, I'm certain he's trying to escape his cell at Belle Reve right now," Waller elaborated further.

"So if he's trying to escape, what's the point in picking him?" The senator asked on confusion.

"If he knows what's at stake, he'll play along with my orders," Waller replied grimly.

"And this other guy? This....what is this, Captain Boomerang?" The department head asked.

"Digger Harkness, also known as Captain Boomerang. A professional thief, he robbed every bank in Australia not once but twice. Then came to the United States to try another score. Only to clash with the red guy who runs at the speed of light," Waller said.

"So what? He throws Boomerangs?" The senator asked.

"He constructs specialized weapon boomerangs. Every type of weapon that the Batman has packed into his damn Batarangs, Boomerang made his own version of and then some," Waller clarified.

"Your plan is still insane Amanda, I can't I'm good conscience go through with it," The lieutenant announced. Waller nodded solemnly.

"I figured you would say that," Amanda said as she snapped her fingers. As soon as the noise echoed through the restaurant, the sounds of guns clicking were heard. As every patron and member of the staff pulled a firearm and pointed them at the table with Waller and the government figureheads.

"It would be a shame if we all died in a gang related shooting. Several wounded, but this table contains all of the confirmed fatalities. A shame, wouldn't it?" Waller threatened. The government representatives being concerned and frightened.

"You're willing to die for this, Waller?" The lieutenant said in a voice in anger.

"I'm willing to stake a lot on this project. So accept it and we'll be fine," Waller proposed. The others at the table looked at each other, and nodded.

"We will. Do what you must," The senator said. Waller smiles a wicked grin, as if the cat has eaten the canary as she snapped again and everyone put their guns away. Going back to their meals and drinks and business like nothing happened.

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