Case Report 2: Deals Are In Order

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In Belle Reve Penitentiary, there's a miriad of people who's minds work in different capacities from one another. Some are trained professionals but madmen. Others are given powers and turn to crime to flex their superiority to others. Some have their mental facilities in check, but geared with such skills that they need to be held here for the safety of the general public. This is the cell of one of the last category of prisoners here, one Peter Benjamin Parker. Who's currently trying to pick the lock on his cell door with nothing more than plastic forks from the cafeteria. Along the walls are scribblings of intricate diagrams of the interior of his cell's locking mechanism.

"5 pins in two lock cylinders, I figured out the positions of pins 2 and 5 on cylinder 1 and pin 3 on cylinder 2. It only took me about..." He muttered to himself as he looked around his walls, factoring in the scribblings and the small piles of splintered plastic.

"About 3 years and 15 sets of forks and knives. Which means I should be able to get out within another..." His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of boots stomping and heels clicking against the hard stone floor. Immediately throwing his tools of escape underneath his blankets and pillows. Leaping backwards and climbing up one of his walls. Maneuvering his gangly and trained body over the door of his cell. Prepared to drop down onto whoever is about to open the door. He heard the metallic cranking of the locks turning as he also heard electronic beeping.

"The locks outside the door are electronically locked, along with the analog locks that each have their own keys to try and assure that even if someone is able to pick the locks...they would still need to try and work through the electric locking mechanism," He muttered as he factored in this new revelation about his containment cell. He didn't fully have time to process this discovery and corroborate it with his escape plans before the door opened.

In walked a woman with a maroon pantsuit, flanked by army soldiers that had themselves armed to the teeth. Peter walked onto the ceiling, his hands clasped behind his back as he walked to match her from down below. The woman looked up to meet his eyes, while he mirrored her from the ceiling.

"Peter Parker, it is a pleasure to meet you properly. I've seen and heard a lot about you, so I was wondering if everything was worth the wait. Was I correct?" The woman said to Parker. Parker looked out of his cell window, the bars and caging obscuring some parts of the outside world. However, with the view of the northwest tower Peter could see that someone had replaced the usual watchman. Instead of Salezetti lounging over the railing while sipping his coffee, there was a figure in black aiming something at this exact cell.

"Hm...Remington 700, looks like it's chambered in 458 Winchester Magnum. Specifically depleted uranium AP rounds, with an extra inch of barrel and some extreme rifling to make sure the bullet spin extremely fast. The way it's aimed, seems like that gentleman there intends to shoot through the concrete to get to me. It would work too...had I not noticed it. Now I know it's coming, and where it'll be coming from," Peter listed off while turning his head back towards the woman.

"Now if you'd like to call that sniper off, then I'd be willing to hear what you might have to say. Otherwise, you're just threatening me for no reason," Peter added.

"My god, you're impressive. Just like your file says. My name is Amanda Waller, and I want you to help me with a task. Should you comply and succeed, you'll have half of your sentence removed," Amanda offered. Peter hummed lightly, thinking about her offer. Walking along the ceiling and heading down the wall, seamlessly transitioning from the ceiling to the wall and from the wall to the ground as if turning the corner on a sidewalk. He waltzed right up to Waller and stared her right in the eyes.

"Hypothetical, what if I refuse? Or try to fight back, or dare I even try to betray or outsmart you?" Peter asked, bringing up the possible outcomes that he could bring to a reality.

"You just dissected the specs of a sniper rifle that you only got a glimpse of from 50 meters away, I want you to tell me what you think the consequences are," Waller replied.

"Given the circumstances, perhaps my immediate and impromptu execution would be in order?" Peter said simply, with a raised eyebrow.

"You are a genius, now I want you to try and convince these people on this list to play along with this deal you and I have," Waller instructed.

"I assume that I'll have a chaperone with me? So I don't get any smart ideas by myself?" Peter asked once more. One of the soldiers stepped forward and stood next to him. Handing Peter the list to look over.

"I figured as much. I'll get to work then, ma'am," Peter said smugly.

"You better, Spider-Man," Waller ordered once more before all but the one soldier left the cell.

"We're starting from the top of the list and heading down. Lawton's cell first," The soldier demanded. Peter immediately walked by his chaperone, grabbing the front of the armor and yanking him to be near uncomfortably close to Peter.

"I may play along, but don't think I'll just be a dog," Peter said as he lightly shoved the guard back, the strength slipping through and denting some of the concrete that the guard had impacted.

"We're going to Quinzel first, and you're going to report to Waller that everything is fine," Peter ordered.

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