Case Report 10: Analytical

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Spiderman ran his finger along the front most body's pooled blood. Rubbing his fingers to evaluate some details of the scene in front of them. Gently lifting some of their body parts to test the motion range of their muscles.

"...this front one died about 3 hours ago. These other 3 in the back died 3 hours before this one," Spiderman deduced.

"How the fuck can you tell that?!" Boomerang asked with an incredulous amount of surprise.

"Yeah, who do you think you are? Batman?" Killer Croc asked with a smirk and a chuckle.

"Unlike a certain man who's name is a portmanteau for a synonym for mystery. I don't have delusions about being an intellectual superior to the Batman. I am Batman's intellectual equal. As such, I am able to use my knowledge of science and some good old fashioned Superpowered observations to assume things that would take a professional autopsy hours to determine," Spiderman stood up, flipping the dead front man around onto his back and observing further.

"Alright. So walk us through it then...what do you see in this brutal brutal set of murders?" Harley asked, leaning onto her mallet with a smirk. Spiderman stood up and walked towards the rear door, over where the black soot is.

He had to consider everything around him. The broken glass across the interior floor of the room they were in.

Bulletproof glass, assailants came in through the window after shooting it out. The state of the door they just came in from.

One of these men's bullets damaged the door hinges. The soot along this particular part of the room.

Something exploded. How the side they came in from is riddled with much more holes than the side that Spiderman is currently standing.

One assailant came alone, these men missed most of their shots. The time frames of the deaths of all of these men.

One of them was killed later than the rest? Taking a moment to visualize, and then began.

"We're assuming the assailant and culprit in this instance is our Winter Soldier. He burst in through this window here, scattering glass across the floor. The glass is shattered into small sand like grainy fragments. Tempered glass is a possibility, but based on what was used here bullet resistant glass is the more likely solution. The first layer of glass could survive shots from a pistol using subsonic rounds with a silencer. Something that would be appropriate for an assassin trained in espionage and infiltration. However, once a round of 3 bullet bursts from an M16 entered the equation. Structural compromisation leading to an easy entrance with the element of surprise lost," Spiderman explained, pointing to spent bullet casing outside the window, the glass fragments along the floor which had fragments of full metal jacket rifle rounds mixed into them.

"Alright....what happened next?" Harley asked once more, encouraging Peter to keep going with his round of deductions. Smiling the whole time, she took joy in watching his brain fire on all cylinders.

"Our victims burst into the room, guns at the ready but they weren't prepared for what was about to happened. Soldier switched to full auto and a shootout started. Something I'll note, based on the way the soldier was shooting. He ain't human, or at least he's better at shooting straight than most. Floyd how much kick would you say a fully automatic M16 would have?" Spiderman continued, throwing the question to Deadshot.

"Oh some of this Winter Soldier's bullets would be damn near the ceiling. Probably at least one or two punching a hole to the next floor," Deadshot pointed out, indicating that there should be some holes in the ceiling where the Winter Soldier was shooting at...only to notice.

"There aren't any," Flag said in shock.

"Correct, which means that there is something Meta about this Human. Coming to these back three. Victims 1 and 2 suffered a simple fate. Three shots through the sternum, two shots through the neck, 1 through the head with a silenced pistol about an hour later. They were dead upon the shots to the neck, the shots to their heads were simple insurance. Shots to the head to make sure they were dead," Spiderman continued. At which point Colonel Flag stepped in.

"That's all fine and dandy, but what about this third one? He looks more like he took the bad end of a grenade rather than being shot," Flag brought up.

"Very valid point, Colonel. This man clearly experienced the impact of a few high powered explosive instead of conventional ballistics," Spiderman acknowledged as he pointed towards the scorched area, burned and blasted to pieces from the waste down.

He noticed that there was a cylinder, 40 millimeters in length that had a small metal rectangle on one end and a trigger on the other.

Grenade launcher. A long strip of leather along the man's torso.

A bandolier of grenades. No pins or safety handles left on the side of the room that Soldier was on. A small dent in the wall.

Soldier only came armed with his guns. Must have caught the grenade and thrown it back.

"This man had a grenade launcher. Shot a grenade at the Winter Soldier. Winter Soldier caught the grenade and performed a ballistic return to sender. Grenade detonated, setting off the rest of the grenades he was wearing on a bandolier," Spiderman deduced. He then walked over to the last gentleman, taking a closet and more detailed look at his body than the others.

For the rest of the dead men, it was easy to tell what had happened. Two were shot in various places and one was blown up by his own grenade. This one though, not only was his death hours later but all the places where he was shot didn't make sense for death by exsanguination. It also makes no sense that one of the bullets managed to damage all of the door's hinges. Unless it was fragmented, but even then. The soldier would have be wearing fully metallic armor for that to happen...unless...

"Strangulation....hydraulic strangulation. This man here was interrogated, shots to the knees to immobilize him. Other shots as incentive to start talking. The winter soldier has a metal appendage, perhaps a metal hand. Maybe a whole metal arm, given that one of these shots that destroyed the door hinges would've shredded a normal man's arm. Even with armor," Spider-Man explained as he stood back up, dusting his hands off.

"... we're done here," Spider-Man said simply. Catching the colonel off guard.

"I'm sorry, what? You don't just give us more information than anything else about the Winter Soldier by dissecting a crime scene and just say this place is a bust-"

"The Winter Soldier came here for information, he got what he wanted, cleaned up the loose ends and covered his tracks. Now unless you can raise the dead so we can have a thoughtful conversation about why a metal armed maniac assassin kicked the door in, this lead is dead. Literally," Spider-Man interrupted, before Killer Croc started smelling the air around him.

"The lead might be dead, but the smell of guns is still fresh," Deadshot said, picking up on what Killer Croc was smelling.

"Oh so we use the big gator like a bloodhound, and lead us to the Soldier!" Boomerang pieced together.

"See? Lead wasn't dead after all," Flagg retorted as the rest of the squad followed Killer Croc.

Spider-Man following after them, hesitating...because for aoment he swore that he heard something beneath the floor boards. Deciding against investigating further, and following the squad before this new trail went cold. Not catching the sound of a chamber depressurizing....and someone walking out from said chamber.

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