Case Report 8: Mission Report

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Once in the chopper, Taskforce X took off into the air. Deadshot doing weapon checks for all of his various armaments, making sure all of them are in optimal working  condition. Croc was hunched over in the chopper due to the size of his body, growling at the soldier in front of him. Who was already shaking in fear from the prospect of this many dangerous people in the same room.

Captain Boomerang was trying to get a read on the cabaret he's been shoved into. A clown girl, a sniper, a bugboy and a crocodile man? He officially just joined the damn circus in his mind. His eyes fixated onto the one people kept calling Spider-Man, the one he mentally decided as the baby of the group. He would try and twist this child into being a guinea pig on the idea of those neck bombs.

"Psst. Buggy, you buying that bollocks about the neck grenades?" Boomerang whispered, catching Spider-Man's attention. The younger assassin reached around his head and felt the injection site on the back of his neck, contemplating the idea of Waller bluffing...and remembered what in all he's experienced of Waller up until now.

"No, the woman this man works for us not one who minces words or uses empty threats. If we've been told that there are bombs in our necks, that man likely has a spare detonator," Spider-Man whispers back, pointing to Flag.

"Alright! Enough chit chat, mission time! Here's what's going on, we're trying to find a very dangerous man. Known underground as the Winter Soldier. We know that this man is dangerous, well trained in infiltration and assassination. We also know he had no qualms with leaving his victims out for the public to see. So to an extent he has showmanship, likes his kills to be public," Flag evaluated to the team.

"Could be some insecurities about being unknown and unseen as a child. So he murders people out in the open as a cry for help," Harley said immediately with a straight face. Boomerang and Croc gave her a confused look, but Spider-Man just went with it.

"Is there a pattern to who he kills, where he kills them or how? That could start giving us some potential motivations, modus operandi, some ideas of who the Winter Soldier is," He said, trying to drag more pieces of information out of Colonel Flag.

"His kill list is random but not at the same time. Board members for innovative companies, foreign ambassadors trying to broker treaties, people on witness protection lists-" Flag didn't even finish the list of victims before Spider-Man interrupted.

"There's your pattern. Someone's hiring the Winter Soldier to do these things. The board members? Corporate espionage. Foreign ambassadors with peace on the mind? International incidents, trying to help warmongers keep their pockets lined. Witness protection lists? Criminal organizations with something major that they lost since those people on those lists had to speak in courts. He's a hitman, so he must have somewhere he sleeps. If his sleeping spot is too secure, he has someone somewhere that collects these jobs for him and relays them to him. We catch that person, we catch the Winter Soldier," Spider-Man rapidly deduced.

"And where would this person be, huh?" Flag asked with a smug but annoyed tone.

"You have the list of people who the Soldier already killed, right? Do some background checks, figure out people who'd want them dead. Do background checks on those people and narrow down phone and internet activity. Weed out the outliers, trace the calls and boom. We have the Soldier's informant," Spider-Man listed off nonchalantly.

"We can't just do all of that casually, there's paperwork that needs to be done-"

"You have assembled a team of crazy and bitter criminals specifically to do these things so they won't cause more paperwork," Deadshot piped up.

"Sounds to me like big bad Flagpole here is just upset that he didn't think of the obvious," Harley giggled.

"It isn't as easy as that. We've tried, but whoever the handler for the Winter Soldier is knows their way around the underworld. Every phone number we have tried, burners. Every contact we have is a fence for a fence. So many tiny chains of command that we're not able to trace the beginnings or ends of them," Flag explained.

"Covering their tracks seems to be their specialty. So we have our work cut out for us," Spider-Man recognized.

"The few leads we do have take us to some seedy places. Governments where the Geneva Conventions are more the Geneva Suggestions. Human experimentation is common, and dictators that are willing to do anything to keep their image on the up and up. We'll face heavy pushback once we touch down, so we'll need to be subtle about this," Flag explained further.

"Then let's start with the least obvious place a lead has taken you," Deadshot suggested.

"....why would we do that?" Flag asked.

"Usually when people don't want to be found, they'll leave subtle hints and clues about their whereabouts that can lead to a variety of locations. Usually the location that would least psychologically fit the person is where they likely are, because the people trying to find them think it's a red herring. When in reality everything else is the red herring," Harley rattled off flawlessly.

"Damn....she's good," Croc said with a small growl of being impressed. Then Boomerang shockingly had a small epiphany.

"Plus, if these places are high security then it's likely their meant to exhaust our options and give the other guy time to get away to a new location. Failsafe alarms you know?" Boomerang added. Giving a surprised look from everyone, even Spiderman.

"Wow, you do have some good ideas occasionally," Flag and Spiderman both said simultaneously. Causing them both to snap to each other's eyeline, glaring at one another.

"I'm a good thief, I'm just up against the fastest man alive," Boomerang defended.

"So let's see your list of leads, and see where the least likely locations might be and start from there. Mr. Flag," Spiderman instructed, with some bleeding tones of sarcastic politeness. With a wave of his hand, one of the soldiers brought a tablet that had sets of information that could indicate potential locations for safe houses. Spiderman immediately took the tablet and started scanning through. Hoping to find some thread to follow that could lead to some results.

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