Case Report 11: History

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The scent trail of burnt gun powder lead the Suicide Squad to an unexpected destination. Leading to the most recent stop for the Michigan Traveling Military Museum. A museum that despite its name, talks about a large variety of military from all around the country. The exhibits change weekly, and this week the exhibit was the lost of World War 2. The soldiers who were never confirmed dead but have been missing for decades.

"Trail leads into here. Wonder why," Croc said.

"Ah great, the maniac is a history buff of World War 2. What other wonderful information will we learn about him?" Spider-Man sarcastically asked, reaching for the handle and was locked. Figures enough, the museum was closed...but then.

"If the trail leads to into the museum, how did the guy get in?" Spider-Man asked as he looked to the lock of the doors. The facades of the locks were built like a safe vault, and taking a small tool from his belt and running them along the inside of the lock...these were powerful locks. Not too unheard of, museums especially ones like this one have recovered weapons from the war. By all accounts, they're still weapons in there and the museum would need to cover it's based to make sure an thief doesn't become a casuality or worst inside of there.

"Need to get in? I can jimmy it open," Boomerang said as he pulled one of his trick boomerangs out of his coat and unfolded it. This was a bizarre looking boomerang, with teeth like a comb along one side. It was also longer than most boomerangs, thinner and smaller too. Spider-Man letting curiosity get the better of him, stepped aside and let the Captain do his thing. The Captain walked to the locked and gingerly pushed the side of this boomerang with the teeth into the lock, a noise of key pins shifting and moving being heard.

Once the boomerang hit the back of the lock, Harness then began slamming his palm into the back of the boomerang to make sure the boomerang was firmly in. Then he simply lifted the boomerang by its other side and twisted once. Right away, the boomerang fully turned. The sound of the lock opening taking the rest of the squad off guard, because of the strange brute forcing of a high security lock. He repeated the process on the other lock, and quickly the doors opened. Then, Spider-Man understood.

"A comb pick Boomerang?" He asked the Australian. With a smirk on his face, the captain returned the infiltration tool to his coat.

"Right you are, trapdoor," Boomerang said as the squad began walking into the museum. Spider-Man quickly grabbing some disposable cameras from the gift shop and a 9 volt battery and quickly workshopping the two into something akin to a handheld stun gun. Briefly looking around, he saw a metal box on the wall, leading up to a small black bulb in the ceiling. Most alarms had about a 3 minute timer for the workers to enter the security before the alarms start blaring for the cops. So he had to be quick. Using his enhanced strength, he ripped the metal security door to the box off its hinges and connected some of the wires to one of the leads of his makeshift camera taser.

Charging the flash until the light turned bright red, then connecting one more wire to the other lead and completing the circuit. All at once 9 volts of electricity blasted into the system of the museum and shorted the security out. The museum went dark as the emergency lights came on. Bathing the squad in red.

"We're free to investigate now," Spider-Man said simply. Using some webbing to hold the flash button of the camera down, continuously charging and discharging the taser into the system. For the next hour, the security system wouldn't function. Following the trail of the scent of gun powder from the inside of the museum was easier. As being inside trapped the scent in a finite space, it means that there's a definitive point where the soldier can be if they stayed in here. Leading to...

"The Howling Commandos?" Spider-Man asked in confusion as the trail leads to the display of the famed World War 2 battalion.

"Fascination with wartime buddies?" Deadshot asked. Flag walked up to the display and thought for a minute.

"Of all the people who made it from the war, the Howling Commandos arguably had the biggest losses. Their leader was frozen in a block of ice for a near century. The team's morale boost was this guy here. James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes. He fell from a train during a mission and was presumed dead. The only thing that was physically left of him was his right arm," Flag explained.

"Hm....why would the soldier come see this particular display then?" Spider-Man asked.

"Maybe a descendant of one of the Howling Commandos? Wanted to see what their grandpa was like in the field?" Harley asked, looking at the display closer.

"If it was a descendant, they could have come during the day and not after murdering a room of 4 people and interrogating the last," Deadshot retorted.

"Then maybe it's not a fascination with the Howling Commandos...maybe it's an obsession with their leader," Spider-Man said as he pointed to the man front and center of the picture. A blonde man with blue eyes, with a blue soldier outfit with a white star on his chest. A belt and bandolier with various tools and magazines of ammunition. For the other people of his team to use to reload their weaponry. On his right arm, an ironically french styled shield with red and white stripes with white stars along a blue top. It was the original, the tried and true red white and blue.

"Captain America? Why would the Winter Soldier have an obsession with Captain America?" Captain Boomerang asked.

"Not sure...that's what we need to figure out though," Spider-Man said as he checked a clock.

"Let's get out of here, the hour is almost up. System is going to kick 20 minutes after the last discharge," Spider-Man said as he lead the squad out. They have a new lead to try and check, Captain America himself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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