Case Report 3: The Good Doctor

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The inmate and his guard chaperone walked through the halls of Belle Reve. The guard concerned about the order that Parker was trying to convince people in.

"So we're going to Quinzel first because...?" The guard asked as they walked into the large cell. Peter just looked towards his guard with that same questioning look.

"What's your name, sir?" Peter asked suddenly. When the guard looked concerned, Peter relented with a sigh.

"Since it seems as though we're going to spend a bit of time together, might as well know your name. Your boss knows mine, it's only fair," Peter explained. The guard took a moment to think before nodding in understanding.

"Conroy. Specialist Conroy," Conroy introduced.

"A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Conroy. Well, the reason we're going to talk to Ms. Quinzel first is because she knows the bulk of these people better than I do. Even for the ones she doesn't know, she's a psychiatrist and can mentally dissect anyone and everyone to give me the details I can use to try and formulate my words in a way that'll appeal to those people's quirks and details," Peter explained as they walked up to the electrified cage within the cell block. Passing by one of the guards who watch Harley's day to day activities.

"Evening Doctor," Peter called to her. At the moment, Harley was reading a book, sitting cross legged on her bed while sipping a coffee. Peter immediately tried to assess everything he could about the former doctor. Trying to think of what he could possibly say that could potentially sway her to Amanda Waller's side.

"Let's see....Dr. Harleen Quinzel. Gained her education in Star City for Psychology, decided to pursue criminal psychiatry as a career and transferred herself to Arkham Asylum to begin her residency. First assignment was the Joker, and she immediately became infatuated with the clown. Joker...joker joker joker....I can hinge my negotiations on the Joker!" Peter thought to himself as rapid speeds as Harley tilted her head up, in recognition of Peter's voice. Her mind seemed to recognize the face and she had a small smile on her face.

"Hiya Petey. How's the lock coming?" Harley asked, revealing to Conroy that these two have some history.

"How do you two know each other?" Conroy asked.

"While I used to be primarily based in Star City, my clients frequently had me shifting from place to place. Sometimes it would be Central, most of the time it would be Gotham, so I practically lived in Gotham for a good 5 years," Peter explained simply.

"I would frequently request a psychological profile of my clientele based on the information I was given. I would give my files to Dr. Quinzel to try and get into the heads of my targets. Try to figure out where they might be and when they would be where they'd be and why they'd be there at those particular times," Peter fully explained.

"And I would be able to provide a full scope of their psychological schedules. Down to their minute ticks and habits," Harley grinned.

"Unfortunately, they'd have to be in mundane and public places. Where the Joker wouldn't be caught dead. Everything is flash with him, everything need to be a spectacle. Something that needs to be a show, with a punchline. There's no punchline with Pamela's Diner, so we would meet there. We also got to know each other in the downtime, so we're at least on friendly terms," Peter replied with a similar grin.

"So whatcha need, crawly?" Harley asked, sauntering up to the bars and leaning her head upwards to meet Peter's eyeline, being about a good 4 inches shorter than him.

"I had a visit from one Amanda Waller. She has a proposition for us. If we follow her orders to the letter and go on missions for her, we get half of our sentences removed," Peter explained.

"Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it Peter?" Harley said with a giggle.

"Glad you could see it too. Seems as though if we try and do what we usually do and be defiant about anything. We'll be killed on sight," Peter finished.

"Oh that's just some bullshit. Makes things fun though. Tell me, what's ya got for me if I join?" Harley asked, slowly licking up one of the bars. Suggesting something on the more personal and sensual side. Peter gritted his teeth at the suggestion, but realized this is where he could get her.

"I can pull some of my connections, or just so happens to accidentally let out a call to someone in Joker's inner circle that let's them know where we are. Lure them to a place where nobody would be within reason and just....let you go with him," Peter said with a somber tone to his voice. He knows full well that the reason she's in here is because the Joker did something and abandoned her to the police. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what those two have isn't love, it's a means to an end. Where Joker's goal is a good laugh.

What Peter emitted as somber though, Harley's now love struck mind read as his usual cold and calculating tone. Conroy looked concerned at what Peter was insinuating, but held his reservations considering Parker might have tried to kill him if he tried to resist. Harley all the while was captivated with the offer, in awe that Peter could potentially make it happen.

"You can bring me and puddin' together again?" She asked in anticipation of the answer.

"I might be able to, but only if you can try to help me meet this Waller woman's demands. Also, I need you to help me figure out how to win the other people on this file over," Peter negotiated, handing Harley the file with the rest of Waller's candidates on them. She looked intently at the names, trying to draw on everything she remembered about them and about their psychology. Until she handed them back to Peter.

"Start with Floydie next, focus on his daughter as your bargaining chip. Don't threaten her, but say you'll tutor her. You're smart like that. Croc will do anything as long as you address him by his name of Waylon, instead of Killer Croc. He wants to be seen as a person again, not a monster. I don't know about this Boomerang guy, seems like they're grabbing him themselves," Harley explained. Peter nodded and turned back to Conroy, looking over to him.

"Let's head over to Deadshot next," Peter instructed as he paced past Conroy and out the door, bumping one of the guards on what seems like an accident. Conroy following behind as he got closer to Parker.

"So...what you said. About getting Harley back to the Joker, are...are you serious about that?" Conroy asked.

"Tell me, Mr. you have something you want? More than anything, something you wished for but never could get?" Peter asked ominously.

"Uh...well...I I don't think I follow," Conroy said in confusion.

"If you are willing to put your trust in me, and willing to let my mind do it's thing....then I am a man of my word, and I will do whatever it takes to get you what you desire. I am a person who will uphold my end of the deal. Even if the other person might not be so willing to do the same," Peter said with that cold monotone, as if a computer had suddenly overtaken his mind.

"You're assuming Ms. Waller won't...?"

"I'm saying that her side of the deal seems a bit out of sorts. Half of our sentences for every mission? What's half of a life sentence for these people? For us people?" Peter explained.

"I still don't..."

"How many life sentences do you think we've all garnered to end up in Belle Reve? The answer is enough to kill even Superman from old age. Half of that wouldn't mean anything, neither would half of that. Or half of that. We would all be Waller's lapdogs for the rest of our lives. So I'm going to try and out think her. To make sure we all get what we want," Peter said as he made his way to Floyd's cell.

"Including you, Mr. Conroy," Peter added as he bangs his fist on Deadshot's cell.

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