Case Report 7: Suit Up

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After the revelation of the true set of the circumstances they were put into, the team knew that they were in for something. The young genius especially, it didn't take that hard a look to tell that Peter Parker was trying to think of a way out. Each member of the team saw it differently though, Waylon Jones saw a machine trying to calculate solutions to impossible problems. Floyd Lawton saw a trained professional presented with a puzzle and trying to piece together his plans. The boomerang guy, who was brought in by a body bag from Australia didn't know what to make of this random guy who people said was smart.

Harley though, the woman who spent comparatively the most time around Peter Parker knew what he was thinking. He put up this facade of being a cold machine, he was smart sure. He was also human, he was terrified of the thought that at any moment he could have that intelligence that had kept him alive for this long suddenly blown off his shoulders. She could tell by his darting eyes, his focused stare that was trying to hide tears and by his mutterings to himself that he was terrified. Trying to find a way out of this, where they could all make it out alive. The thoughts that could potentially be brewing being interrupted by heavy duty military crates being thrown into the ground in front of each of them.

"Get dressed, and we'll get you all debriefed on the mission on the chopper," Flag demanded. The team began getting dressed, those who were able to at least. Croc just swapped his prisoner pants for a pair of black jeans that were modified with special fabrics. The man the rest of the team knew as Captain Boomerang had a black beanie hat, with a dark and dusty grey trench coat, with an assortment of tricked out boomerangs that he was folding up and shoving into hidden pockets along the interior of the trench coat. Along with a...random pink stuffed unicorn.

Deadshot's crate had a bulletproof red-and-black vest and bodysuit, with many holsters, containing enough space to store a miriad of firearms at any point. Along with the suit, there was a set of dual wrist pistols and a metallic white masked helmet with a red device affixed over the right eye. A miriad of belts and bandoliers that Deadshot would strap around his body in tactical places, presumably for additional magazines of ammunition.

Harley's crate had an eccentrically decorated revolver, the cylinder having the words Love and Hate engraved into them. A wooden mallet with a bullseye on one side, and a crudely painted happy face on another side. In terms of combat gear, that was everything. Harley's clothing on the other hand was more....promiscuous than anything else. A white tank top that had "Daddy's Little Monster" on it in cursive. A red-and-blue satin jacket, red-and-blue tight shorts, black fishnet tights and a bedazzled belt. It was rather awkward for Peter, because he was right next to her while she changed into this outfit. Parker knowing his costume was akin to getting dressed for figure skating.

Speaking of, the Spider-Man crate had a new and improved suit for Peter Parker. A black suit broken up between various parts, red accents interspersed to break up the black. The gloves having sharpened talons for fingertips, with the red hourglass icons of a black widow emblazoned on the palms. The torso part of the suit having varying amounts of harder and thicker paddings along the shoulders and elbows to give extra protection. He inspected the center icon, an angular red spider made of stronger armoring. Something he could surmise was based on the Batman's suit. The mask was simple and similar enough to his old one. A black ski mask like full face covering with no mouth opening, and red lenses that could constrict to match his level of focus. Before he even put the mask on, he could tell there was more to the mask than meets the eye.

There was already some things that he could tell were inspired by the Batman, aside from the way his emblem was prominent on the chest and brighter than anything else on his suit. There was a belt with a series of clapsed pouches of various sizes around the band, carrying the black and red color motif. The central clasp having a sort of detachable camera bug inside of it that Peter could surmise could be placed along a surface and activated remotely. His eyes glimpsed down to the black bracers at the bottom of the crate. Someone even managed to recreate his web shooters. He saw a small collection of pressurized cartridges along with the bracers, presumably a replication of his web fluid. He first clasped the belt around his waist, giving him enough of a chance to hide the electronics he had hidden around his body into the larger belt compartments. Then he threw the prisoner outfit off with an energetic attitude. It had been a while since he was in a suit, let alone be on an assignment.

"Someone's excited," Harley said with a smile, as she got her makeup on. She could tell though, it was more than just being able to stretch his legs again that had him excited. It was the thought of trying to outwit someone that gave him drive, that made him feel alive. It's one thing to get one over on some criminal big wig who thought they're smarter than everyone. This though, she could see the gears spinning faster. He was thinking of something that was crazy. Crazy though might have been what they needed, because plans that are crazy has a tendency to be enough to just work.

Plus, it was nice for her to see him smile again. Everytime they would meet on one of his psych profiles for his targets, he was always so serious. Like a little version of Batman, but he would joke. He would laugh, he would sometimes smile. Those all went away as soon as they ended up in Belle Reve, since all of his brain power went to devising ways out. No time to laugh, or smile or think of anything else aside from solutions to problems.

"Alright, if you loons are all dressed. Get on the chopper and I'll give you your mission on the way to the rendezvous site!" Flag barked. Deadshot and Croc gave an incredulous glare to the colonel, Harley just had a mischievous look on her face. Boomerang just walked along to the chopper, not wanting to tempt fate. Spiderman....he just played along, following the man's orders without questions.

"Let's get going everyone," Spider-Man said, reiterating Flag's demand in a more cordial manner. Only then, did everyone else begin to follow Spider-Man to the chopper. He passed by Flag, who was giving him a side eyed glare. Spider-Man responded by giving a simply glance, the two men locking eyes for a moment through red tinted lenses.

In one single sentence, Spider-Man had already shown these military personnel who was really in charge of the Taskforce.

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