Destroyed snack table

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"See anything you guys wanna eat?" Hannah asks as Orson opens the fridge. Orson then bares his fangs leaning toward Hannah's neck only for her to take two carrots and stick them on his fangs stopping him.

"I think she meant in the fridge goof ball." Alexis says as she laughs slightly.

"I was only kidding." Orson says as he cant get the carrots off his fangs resulting in Alexis pulling them off with little effort.

"I know. I'm not scared of you." Hannah says as she looks at Bug-A-Boo in the living room with Skully.

"You should be. One day I'll be king of the night." Orson says proudly.

"And someday I'll take over as queen of the wolves." Alexis says.

"Someday I'll be a movie, star, princess, veterinarian, astronaut, ballerina, with a pony." Hannah says happily as she does a spin.

"Cool." Orson says.


"Hey Hannah maybe we can get something to eat from the snack table." Alexis says as they stop running around.

"Gross my parents are necking again." Orson says as they see his parents necking on the couch.

"I think I'll take up Alexis's suggestion for the snack table." Hannah says.

"Bad dog! Bad dog! Ah! Get down! Ah! All of my precious work! My tarantula egg rolls, my gorgonzola, poppy's egg quiche, my fleas ear casserole. All gone." Skully says sadly and angrily as he scolds Harry for eating all the food and laying on the snack table.

"Thank goodness." Hannah whispers.

"You don't like quiche Hannah?" Alexis asks.

"No I meant the other stuff." Hannah says.

"Oh. Gorgonzola. Yuck." Orson says.

"Room mate huddle!" Scary Godmother shouts as Bug-A-Boo and Skully go over to her in a huddle as they whisper to each other.

"Pizza." Bug-A-Boo says.

"Pizza." Harry says.

"Pizza." Scary Godmother and Skully say in union.

"Pizza." Harry says happily.

"I'll eat pizza." Hannah says happily.

"Me too." Orson says.

"Pizza is one of my favorite foods." Alexis says.

"Pizza!" Harry says happily.

"Pizza would be a nice change." Ruby says.

"Pizza. Huh! Back in my day we never though of putting cheese and sauce and-.. Pizza is a groovy idea." Max says as Ruby elbows him.

"Groovy?" Hannah asks as she laughs.

"I know they're so embarrassing I could just live." Orson says.

"I'll order. They know the sound of my voice at Diablo brothers. Now who wants garlic?" Harry asks as he holds the phone.

"What are you a maniac!? Are you trying to poison my family!?" Max asks as he goes over and holds Harry by his shirt.

"We're a little allergic garlic harry." Orson says as he and Alexis manage to get Max off of Harry.

"Get the bell free mano special. Half o positive half ab negative." Ruby says.

"I'm up for the o positive with extra meat." Alexis says.

"Make sure there's extra cheese." Skully says.

"Yea extra cheese and olives! Yea!" Hannah and Bug-A-Boo shout as they high five.

"You.. you like pizza with extra cheese and olives?" Hannah asks as she looks nervously at Bug-A-Boo.

"Yea. I like olives. So?" Bug-A-Boo asks.

"I thought monsters ate little girls." Hannah says.

"Aww that's silly. Little girls make the crust all soggy... Just joking kid. It's my job to scare kids not eat them. If I went around eating all the clients I'd be out of work. Who told you that bunch of nonsense?" Bug-A-Boo asks.

"My cousin Jimmy." Hannah says as Harry comes over.

"Well I'm sure this Jimmy slash monster discussion is imperative to the plot. Can we get back to something that is really important. Like ordering pizza?" Harry asks.

"Harry we haven't forgotten who inhaled the buffet?" Scary Godmother asks as she yanks on the phone cord pulling Harry over to her as Alexis and the other monsters growl at him.

"Touche. Point well taken. Socially awkward pause. I'll phone this in." Harry says.

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