box breathing

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breathe in, 

fill your lungs to the brim,

count to five, 

hold your breath.

try not to think of all the


things we don't talk about,

try to relax your mind with

pills, fix your attitude,

stop spreading lies, i didn't do that to you?

of course, everyone else did.

hold your breath,

try to relax,

count to five,

breathe out.

under constant pressure, trying to

("keep up the good work!", they say.)

always trying to please the unpleasable,

only to gain no recognition.

survival means fighting when you have to,

and fleeing when it's the right time.

(how should i know what to do though?)

breathe out,

release all of the tention inside,

count to five,

breathe in again.

you shouldn't be so negative all the time!

(i know the world is going to shit,

but why should i care?)

be more like this, less like that,

smile more, think less,

pollution and school shootings aren't topics for kids.

(why do they affect us then?)

calm down, don't think,

just breathe.

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