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Welcome everyone to my WenClair story Your beauty never ever scared me.

Yes I used the lyrics from Marry on the Cross by Ghost.

I used those lyrics simply because in my opinion they worked perfectly for WenClair.

Now in this story obviously it'll take place after the first season. Obviously all the characters don't belong to me. They're will be characters of my own in this book. These characters will help Wednesday with her feelings same with Enid.

In my opinion Wednesday and Enid have morticia and gomez vibe. Mostly that one moment where Enid was talking with thing.

Again I do wish Enid and Wednesday we're a couple. I'm saying the other two love interests weren't perfect for her. One of them definitely seemed like a perfect choice. xavier seemed like a good choice Same with Enid.

tyler just didn't seem right for her. No hate towards anyone who ships them! I just don't think they'd work out

I'm just writing this story because I want to and just for fun.

Obviously this story contains the big gay. And obviously some cursing, murder,and all that good stuff. If anyone doesn't enjoy that then leave.

With all that said,I'm hoping to have the first chapter up next Sunday. If not Sunday then some point this week.

I look forward to everyone enjoying this book.

With that said let the story begin! ( Soon )

Your beauty never ever scared me ( WenClair ) Where stories live. Discover now