Chapter 26: Smooth Like Butter

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As we entered the hive of the BTS fans, we could feel their excitement and energy. It was overwhelming, but we pushed forward, determined to put an end to their attacks.

Suddenly, I realized that I had the power to silence using my telepathy. I focused my energy and silenced the BTS fans, rendering them useless. Mike used his ocky way to put them to sleep, and we made our way to the center of the hive.

There, we found the boss of the BTS fans, Jimin. He looked at us with a mix of fear and anger.

Jimin lunged at me, using his musical penetration attack. I narrowly dodged it, but the attack hit the hive, setting it on fire.

Bill and Mike quickly joined the fight, sending their own attacks at Jimin. But he was too strong and he blocked them all, reflecting them back at us.

We were struggling to keep up with Jimin, and we knew we were in trouble. Just when all hope seemed lost, Jackie Chan appeared from the heavens, knocking off Jimin's makeup with a well-placed kick.

Without his makeup, Jimin was no longer a threat. The other BTS fans were disoriented and confused, and they quickly retreated from the hive.

As Jimin tried to attack us, it was clear that he was no longer a threat. He had lost his power and his followers, and he knew that he had been defeated.

With a defeated look on his face, Jimin surrendered. He sent all of his followers to the shadow realm, and then followed them.

Bill, Mike, and I breathed a sigh of relief. We had won the battle against the K-pop fans, and we had saved our mountain home.

We decided to return to Epstein to tell him the news, but when we arrived at his compound, we were met with a shocking sight. Epstein was lying on the ground, dead.

It's whatever since he probably deserved it anyways.

We took the boat ride when suddenly at night I had the urge to train. I had been feeling weak since the fight with Jimin and I know one person who can help, Ricky Berwick.

As I sneak off the boat in the middle of the night, I can't help but feel a mixture of excitement and fear. I'm finally taking control of my life and pursuing my dreams, but at the same time, I'm leaving behind everything I know and venturing into the unknown.

The water is cold and dark, but I push on, determined to reach the shore and begin my training with Ricky. I know it won't be easy, but I'm ready to face the challenge head-on.

As I swim, I can't help but think about what the future holds. I don't know if I'll ever be as strong as Jimin, or if I'll ever achieve the level of greatness I once dreamed of. But I'm determined to try and do everything in my power to become the best version of myself.

And with that thought, I reach the shore and begin my journey toward greatness. But just as I'm about to start my training, Ricky turns to me and says, "Sarah, before we begin, there's something I need to tell you. The road to greatness is not an easy one, and it will require sacrifice and determination. Are you sure you're ready for what lies ahead?"

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