Pointy Eared Idiot

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Solana added a more permanent dwarf on her team a drunk named Oghren Isana on the other hand decided to stay at the Circle for a bit and help them rebuild but before all that happened.... including taking Dagna to the Circle.... Isana helped Solana, Shale, Sten and Oghren before reaching the Anvil of the Void they saw the archdemon dragon, meet a few members of the Leigon of the Dead and a dwarven woman who was tainted with madness, fought a Broodmother and found Branka not only that but they met Shale's creator Caridin who is a golem himself but one made of steel not stone "my name is Caridin once, longer ago than I care to think, I was a Paragon to the dwarves of Orzammar"  Caridin says to the group "Caridin? the Paragon smith? alive?"  Shale asks with a surprised tone "ah, there is a voice I recognize Shayle of the House of Cadash, step forward"  Caridin replies "you.... know my name? is it you that forged me, then? is it you that gave me my name?"  Shale asks "have you forgotten, then?"  Caridin asks he sighs then says "it has been so long I made you into the golem you are now, Shayle, but before that you were a dwarf.... just like I was the finest warrior to serve King Valtor, and the only woman to volunteer"  Isana mutters "that explains her love for sparkly things!"  Caridin looks at her and she could have sworn she saw him smile "I mean, go Shale show those men what TRUE women are made of!"  she says as though she's cheering for/on the newest member of Solana's group Caridin laughs "I bet he hasn't done that in a long time!"  Isana whispers "you are correct, so thank you"  Caridin says "you're welcome"  she replies with a smile he chuckles then clears his throat for it's been a very long time since he's seen a smile so beautiful and says to Shale "I laid you on the Anvil of the Void, here in this very room, and put you into the form you now possess"  Shale replies "the Anvil of the Void.... that is what we seek"  Caridin says "if you seek the Anvil, then you must care about my story, or be doomed to relive it"  Solana says "you made the Anvil I take it"  Caridin replies "though I made many things in my time like those weapons your dwarven friend holds, I rose to fame and earned my statue based on a single item the Anvil of the Void it allowed me forge a man of steel or stone, as flexible and clever as any soldier as an army, they were invincible but I told no one the cost no mere smith, however skilled, has the power to create life to make my golems live, I had to take their lives from elsewhere"  Solana asks "a dire shortcut, was it worth it?"  Caridin replies "so said my king I had only intended to use volunteers, but he was not satisfied.... and soon a river of blood flowed out of this place finally, it was too much I refused and so Valtor had me put on the Anvil, next"  Isana says softly "we must destroy it! no life is worth some political debate! I know you need help with the Blight but this type of sacrifice is too much! and I have a feeling Branka's power-hungry ego isn't worth it! after all look at what she allowed to happen to her people and "lover" who knows what SHE will do with it much less anyone else who finds it intact!"  Solana nods Caridin seemed surprised that she knew what he was about to ask them to do and he says "she is correct, the blow of the hammer opened my eyes my apprentices knew enough to make me as I am, but not enough to fashion a control rod I retained my mind you were amongst the most loyal Shayle, you remained at my side throughout, and in the end I sent you away out of mercy"  Shale replies "I do not remember"  Caridin says "we have remained entombed here ever since, and I have sought a way to destroy the Anvil, alas, I cannot do it myself no golem can touch it"  just then Branka rushes in saying "no! the Anvil is mine! no one will take it from me!"  Caridin says to Shale "Shayle.... you fought to destroy the Anvil once! do not allow it to fall in unthinking hands again!"  Isana who had walked over to the Anvil as soon as Branka rushed in says as she holds her serrated tegha sword above her head "consider it already taken care of"  she swings her sword down upon the Anvil as hard as she could the first swing cracked it the second split it in half Solana was the first to see her sway and she rushed over to her and caught her before she fell over the edge and into the lava below at first Solana was confused as to why someone so strong could become so weak so quickly then she looks around the cave they're in and sees the veins of lyrium all around them and remembers what Alistair said Isana was allergic to "you're not going to kiss me are you!?!"  Isana teases weakly Solana chuckles then lowers her head and acts like she's going to kiss her friend Isana weakly pushes her away with a scoff like chuckle then says "if you could drag me over to Sten I'm sure he wouldn't mind carrying me, Shale would be too embarrassed"  Sten walks over and gently picks up his new friend and that's when he sees the redish blue rashes all over her body "don't mind me Beresaad it's just a small allergy though the sooner we leave this place the better I'll be"  Isana assures him though she could not only see but sense his hidden worry for her well-being "oh go on! the "Paragon" is pissed which means a fight's about to start and you're not going to want to miss that! me on the other hand.... there's no way I can fight in my current condition so if you could set me outside then come get me before you leave I'd appreciate it"  she says as she softly slides her hand up his cheek as the delirium sets in he nods then walks over to the cavern opening just as the fight she predicted was gong to happen starts then he sets her down on the other side of the cave by the opening, heads back into the cave and joins the fight just as Isana falls unconscious....

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