Ironing The Bull After Joining The Inquisition

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Varric talked Isana into joining the Inquisition with him claiming that "it was about time we had a adventure together!"  to which she replies "it isn't MY fault you never left Kirkwall!"  he playfully scoffs as he rolls his eyes but he was glad when she "gave in" to his "pleas" and joined.... Solas seemed surprised that not only did Isana not tell anyone about their meeting in the Fade but that she now harbors a spirit of Justice within her the same one that stories tell Anders has within him which he now knows to be fiction "I've been trying to figure out a way to send him back home but either not much is known, he now refuses or I simply can't "cause I'm a dwarf and dwarfs can't do magic".."  Isana tells him "oh and I did tell Varric though I mentioned a Somniari I had met in my short travels of the Fade not a elven god and I never gave him a name, I also asked for those bits to be kept out of the stories he made of my "adventures" with the Hero of Ferelden I do believe he made it so Wynne was the one who helped Shale revert back to her "original form".. which in a way she did since she was the mage who helped me enter the Fade when I met you to begin with it was the oddest Harrowing ever but it worked I guess!"  she adds he chuckles "I can see where the nickname came from, I figured it was because you're too serious for your own good but I guess I was wrong!"  she teases he laughs just then Varric walks up to where Solas' cabin is which is what they stood in front of "he's the....!?!"  Varric asks with a surprised tone Isana nods with a smile then teases "why do you think he always looks wide awake!?! he spends far too much time in the Fade!"  Solas smiles Varric chuckles then asks "then why did you....!?!"  she replies "well I never met him out of the Fade so in a way I suppose it wasn't a lie and dwarves can't dream so it would also be hard to explain how one entered the Fade "without permission".."  Varric shakes his head with a smile Solas chuckles "if you know of or can find a way to help him go home I'd appreciate it.... though maybe we can try after the Breach is taken care of I'd hate for him to go home just to come back as something he's not.... he'd probably want to help fight anyway"  Isana says to Solas who nods with a smile then replies "it would be my honor"  Isana bows then says softly "ma serannas Solas"  Solas smiles as he watches her walk down the stairs then says to Varric "I can't believe that's your sister!"  Varric replies "you and everyone else!"  Solas chuckles "I got lucky"  Varric adds "you sure did!"  Solas replies with a smile then he bids his friend farewell and heads into his cabin to start working on a promise made..... when Isana went to sleep that night she and Justice somehow found themselves in Solas' part of the Fade as "safe place" for them to be where Justice won't end up like the spirits that get sucked into the rifts but just in case she made sure they didn't stay long as a matter of fact when she woke up she headed straight for Solas' cabin and woke him up by knocking on his door then after apologizing and him welcoming her inside she tells him what happened "I'm not sure how but.... I think it was a warning of sorts like it was telling us what was about to happen after all it was "your" part of the Fade we went to.... well at least the part of the Fade where I met you and even though he enjoyed his time there I still worry that something could happen to him.... if the possibility exists that it could happen again I need to find a place where the Breach is less affective which would probably be where the Veil is thin and I doubt there are many places like that but then again I don't know much about the Fade...."  she pauses then asks "did my brother tell you that I was born with a severe allergy to lyrium!?"  he looks at her with a surprised expression on his face and shakes his head "it's been.... lighter than usual almost non-existent since Justice became one with me but this red lyrium is different I'm not sure I can explain it it's almost like the Breach is trying to push him out and I....!"  she says and before she could finish her body convulses and she faints and a shocked looking Solas catches her before she falls to the ground he opens his door with magic then Fade Steps out of his cabin and away from Haven to a place where the Breach was less affective and there wasn't as many red lyrium stones and that's when he saw the rashes and the spirit of Justice standing at her side in his astral form which was unheard of for a spirit who shares a body with a being and he could feel the spirits worry for the dwarf "how is this possible!?!"  Solas asks with a surprised tone Justice looks at him then replies "she's always been special.... if you've read her brothers books you know this isn't the first time...."  Justice says Solas looks at him "there's a lot she doesn't know about herself, a lot she can't figure out, a lot I can't figure out and I've lived inside her for 10 years.... she should be alright in about a hour or so though I've never seen the rashes shine like that!"  Justice tells him Solas looks at Isana and sees that the rashes do indeed seem to glimmer "that could be from you, she said you protected her from her allergy but I don't really know I have never heard nor seen this happen before especially you being as you are right now"  Solas replies Justice looks down at Isana's unconscious body and removes his helmet then kneels down beside her as she whispers softly with a frightened tone "Justice.... help me!"  Justice touches her arm gently as her body once again starts to convulse then he returns to his "home" within her mind/heart Solas watches all this happen with a awed expression on his face as her body calms and the rashes slowly start to disappear and though he would have liked to get to know Justice better he was grateful his friend was starting to heal and hoped she would be ok he thinks back on her words before she became unconscious and wonders about two things one how it was that she and Justice entered the Fade to begin with and two how the Breach would have the power to push Justice out of her then again it was what created the red lyrium that now covers the destroyed Temple of Ashes so perhaps the powers of the two things have somehow combined as one or maybe her allergy made her body weaker so that Justice was the form that the Breach read from her and since he is a Spirit it tried to do what the Rifts do and bring him towards it then change him what surprises him the most is that Justice was still Justice in no way did he change into any form of Vengeance he smiles at the thought for that proves he was right about her she is trustworthy and has a good heart he puts it in his mind to ask Varric or even Isana herself for copies of Varric's tales of her adventures for maybe that would help him have a better understanding of who she is he chuckles when he thinks of the meaning of her name which just so happens to be her allergy....

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