Earthbound Spirits🧝🏻‍♂️👻

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As Isana, Solas and Varric were chatting Malika says to Iron Bull "you run your reports past Leliana before sending them you send nothing she doesn't approve if this turns out to be a trick, or if your reports compromise the Inquisition, Cassandra will eat you alive"  Iron Bull replies with a nod "wouldn't have it any other way"  then he calls out to his number one "Krem, tell the men to finish drinking on the road the Chargers just got hired!"  Krem replies "what about the casks, chief? we just opened them up with axes"  Iron Bull says "find someway to seal them you're Tevinter, right? try blood magic!"  Isana scowls in disgust then walks over to Krem and says "I think I might know a way as a dwarf I'm really good at creating shit!"  Krem smiles at her then walks her over to where the casks are and they work together to figure out a way to seal them with whatever they had in hand and she even created a spout/spigot for the cask Iron Bull seemed impressed by the way she worked he also didn't miss her scowl of disgust when he mentioned blood magic and made a mental note never to joke or speak about it in front of her ever again.... with Iron Bull and his Chargers added to the group Malika decides to do her best to keep the promise she made to Lace Harding and find the Inquisitions soldiers/scouts and even though she's only been scouting the Storm Coast for a few days Isana seemed to know most of the terrain that makes up the Storm Coast though she takes them to the areas she has yet to walk through in search of the missing group which they find dead in a shack along with a few notes that were written by the bandits Isana leaves the group to let Lace know that her people were found and after helping Lace put her people to rest she makes the Mercy's Crest with the items the bandit's note said was needed two Serpentstones and one Deepstalker Hide and with Lace's permission leaves to find Malika and crew for she knew Malika would need what she just made but she wouldn't leave Lace if she needed her when Isana found Malika and crew they were fighting members of the Blades of Hessarian and she joins in the fray once the fight was over Isana hands Malika the Mercy's Crest she made and Malika smiles at her then shakes her head and they continue on their way once they reach the base they pass by two guards and enter the door as one guard says "someone has come with a challenge?"  and the other replies "the others failed"  Malika walks over to the leader of the Blades of Hessarian who says as soon as she reaches him "so you would challenge the Blades of Hessarian?"  Malika replies "you killed soldiers of the Inquisition we cannot let this stand"  the leader says "you want Justice? claim it"  then he bellows out a pathetic war cry and a fight ensues until the leader is dead "it's done provided no one stabs you in the back on the way out"  Varric says Malika walks over to a member of the Blades of Hessarian who seemed to be waiting for her as Isana nudges her brother's back with her elbow and he rolls his eyes at her "Your Worship the Blades of Hessarian are at your service if you want eyes on the Coast, here we are"  Malika replies "I have not heard of the Blades of Hessarian"  the man says "our work is misunderstood but we serve Andraste-- and whoever proves worthy of wielding us"  Malika asks "you and your Blades are loyal to the Inquisition?"  the man replies "we're loyal to you I suppose that's the same thing, Your Worship"  Malika asks "so there's no ill will over what happened with your former boss?"  the man replies "the man was a bastard you're not the first to stand up to him you're just the first to win, and we're happy with that besides I would rather swear my life to the Herald of Andraste"  Malika says "I should go"  the man replies "you know where to find us"  then Malika turns from the man and starts to walk out of the gated area with her entourage not too far behind.... Solas, Varric and Isana walk behind Iron Bull and Malika and Varric asks Solas "so, Chuckles, did my sister tell you what she considers elves!?"  Solas looks at Varric with a curious expression as he replies "no, she did not"  Varric looks at his sister with a raised eyebrow Isana looks at Solas and says "I've always called your kind "Earthbound Spirits".."  Solas raises a eyebrow at her then asks "and why's that!?!"  she replies "well from what I could understand or at least thought as a child was that your people seemed closer.... better connected to the Earth and the Fade that um.... surrounds it you certainly seem to treat your mages better in some ways though nowadays you seem to treat your Keepers as though they're Earthbound Evanuris"  he chuckles as she continues "then again I've always been a dreamer who never dreams!"  he laughs "oh by the way.... I may have shown Lace where the area you took me is, I believe she's having a few scouts build a cabin for me there"  she says he smiles then replies "that's fine"  she says "I'm not asking permission I'm letting you know because if you ever decide to visit I didn't want you attacking them thinking they were there to cause harm"  he laughs then he realizes that she meant that they may not have started building the cabin yet and he nods with a smile....

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