ARCHITECTural Destruction

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Not long after meeting Seranni they once again meet the Architect and his shorter shadow Utha it didn't escape Solana's notice that the Architect's eyes never leave Isana who as always stood inbetween Justice and Nathaniel "and so we meet again"  the Architect says Utha who also noticed that the Architect's attention was drawn to the gorgeous redheaded dwarf and she draws her sword as she narrows her eyes in a deadly manner at that particular dwarf "no, Utha that is not how this must begin"  the Architect says "like the first beginning was any better!"  Isana mutters Solana chuckles and she could have sworn she saw the Architect smile "I owe you an apology, Commander when we last met I intended to explain myself fate, however, intervened"  the Architect says as he floats down to where Solana and the others are by the use of his magic "you experimented on me!"  Solana replies "I restrained you only to prevent the misunderstanding that occurred with the rest of your order"  the Architect says "a "misunderstanding"? did you not attack the Grey Wardens?"  Velanna asks "I sent the Withered to ask for the Grey Wardens help I should have anticipated that you might view our approach as an attack I am rarely able to judge how your kind will react it was most unfortunate"  the Architect replies "unfortunate? you took those men and bled them dry!"  Solana says "the Grey Wardens that were brought to me were already dead I took their blood just as I took yours, because I had little choice things have not gone as I planned I only ask that you hear me out should you still wish to slay me afterwards, you may try"  the Architect replies Solana looks at Isana who asks with a playful tone "why do you always look at me like I have all the answers!?!"  Nathaniel chuckles as Isana continues "as far as I can tell he's being as honest as he possibly can be sure he most likely has secrets but who doesn't!?"  Solana nods then says to the Architect "alright I will hear you out"  the Architect tells them "my kind has ever been driven to seek out the Old Gods, this is our nature when we find one, a Blight is begun each time, we attack your surface lands, and you fight back until we are defeated to break the cycle, my brethren must be freed of this compulsion for that, I need Grey Warden blood"  Solana asks "you're trying to stop the Blights?"  Isana says "wouldn't you!?! I know it seems like there are too many of his kind but if yours was dying out because a never-ending war wouldn't you do anything to stop it!?! if I understand him correctly his kind are born with a compulsion they have no choice but to follow and whatever he's doing seems to somehow break that compulsion and allows them to have their own freewill, a choice to choose if they want to continue doing what they were born to do or find a new life that is completely their own, it sounds like he found a way to create his own version of the Grey Warden Joining though from what I understand many have gone mad after they take his version perhaps for them that is their "failure".... when it comes to a Grey Warden Joining some live and some die after taking it perhaps instead of dying his kind get driven mad by it, like something in their mind snaps and creates a inner turmoil because they have to fight for their right to be free of the compulsion and when they lose.... well I suppose anyone would be driven mad by something like that or perhaps while under the "spell" that the Joining "casts" the being that took it has to fight the "soul" of whoever's blood they're drinking and depending on who wins that inner war it's possible that that battle is what drives the Darkspawn mad for it could be possible the Grey Warden is still fighting for his or her right to stay alive even when it isn't their own body they live in I've always considered the Joining the "ultimate test" for a Warden it doesn't matter how much you want it it depends on whether or not you're strong enough to "handle" it"  both Solana and the Architect look at her as she thinks sadly to herself "Mhairi is proof of that!.... I'm just glad it didn't drive her mad!"  Architect says "she is correct I have created a version of your Joining that uses the blood of Grey Wardens the first blood came from Utha, freely given she was a Grey Warden, as you are, and joined us.... many years ago.... you take the taint into yourself what we take is your resistance that is how my brethren are freed in your blood lies the key to their immunity against the call of the Old Gods once they are freed, the Darkspawn think for themselves, they speak, they act some, however, have reacted poorly they are flawed and they rage against me the Mother gathers them to stop me.... as she seeks to stop you I cannot defeat the Mother alone, and I cannot free the Darkspawn unless she is defeated our goals are the same"  Justice says "kill this creature now, lest it make things worse than they already are do what is right and do not waver"  Isana looks at him and replies softly "death is a last resort it is not the answer to all of our problems, Sol and I were not there at the beginning when "the Withered" came to the Keep and I'm pretty sure he wasn't there either, once someone has been given power to do certain things the one that gave them said power does not always have control over what that one does with that power, we have no idea who started the war but if we can find a peaceful solution to the ending don't you think we should try!? you're suppose to be one of justice not vengeance!"  Justice looks at her with sad eyes "Darkspawn or no, the Architect and Isana have a good point do we really want to keep killing each other forever?"  Nathaniel asks "this is what my sister saw an ally! amongst the Darkspawn! this is a opportunity we cannot pass up"  Velanna exclaims "whatever you can do to get her to shut up would be even better! I'd rather be surrounded by lyrium than listen to her speak!"  Isana whispers softly to Solana who smirks "help me kill the Mother, and after it is done, I will leave to continue my work"  the Architect says "what is this "Mother" exactly?"  Solana asks "my most flawed creation freedom drove her mad,  and she has poisoned the mind of the others she has influence with the ones who have not been freed, and she gathers them as an army"  the Architect says "it must be the boobs!"  Isana teasingly whispers Solana hides a chuckle and Nathaniel smiles shaking his head at his dwarven friend for only he and Solana heard her as she speaks the Architect continues "I do not seek to rule my brethren I only seek to release them from their chains"  Solana asks "how did you become freed?"  the Architect replies "I was born as I am, an outsider amongst my kind why? I do not know why do some of your kind become Grey Wardens? why do some possess magic? I have no answers"  Solana tells him "very well, you have a ally"  Velanna says "this is the right thing to do Seranni believed it, and I do too"  Isana whispers shaking her head "do all elves of this realm have no mind of their own or just them!?!"  Solana looks at her but says nothing Justice wanted to disagree but something within him stopped him from voicing his opinion he looks at Isana and decides that it was best he didn't say anything for some reason he was worried how she would take his words after all what she said to him before somewhat made sense he was speaking more like Vengeance than he was like Justice then again he made a promise and the more he thought about it the more he realized it was "the Mother"s darkspawn who killed Kristoff not the Architects so in a way he would still be keeping his promise his eyes widen when he feels Isana take his decaying hand and gives it a light squeeze before she lets it go and the feeling of her letting his hand go made him sad for some odd reason "thank you Commander I realize what a leap of faith this is for you I hope that I prove worthy of your trust"  Isana teasingly whispers "especially after he put you to sleep and took your blood without your permission the last time you met!"  Solana chuckles the Architect looks at Isana and a small smile slides up the corner of his lips then he says "the Mother lies ahead, Warden I cannot approach her physically-- her children protect her from my power but when you reach her, I will do whatever I can to help you you have my promise"  then he floats up to where Utha is and they walk away....

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