Still I Rise

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 The Tevinter Magister walks in trying to act like nothing was bothering him even though he was curious as to how he and his entourage were frozen in time for who knows how long and he says "welcome, my friends! I apologize for not greeting you earlier"  Isana mutters under her breath "it isn't like you had much choice in the matter! though you still need to work on your entrance I for one am not impressed you're shorter than a dwarf and not that "imposing"!"  Malika hides a chuckle Fiona says with a scowl on her face "Agents of the Inquisition, allow me to introduce Magister Gereon Alexius"  Alexius tells Malika "the southern mages are under my command and you are the survivor, yes? the one from the Fade? interesting"  Malika says "I'd like to know more about this alliance"  Alexius replies "certainly, what specifically do you wish to know?"  Malika says "the Grand Enchanter told me she was "indentured to a Magister".."  Alexius replies "our southern brethren have no legal status in the Imperium as they were not born citizens of Tevinter, they must work for a period of 10 years before gaining full rights as their protector, I shall oversee their work for the Imperium"  Malika says "I'm not clear on when exactly, you negotiated this arrangement with Fiona"  Alexius replies "when the Conclave was destroyed, these poor souls faced the brutality of the Templars, who rushed to attack them it could only be through divine providence that I arrived when I did"  Fiona says as Alexius looks at her "it was certainly.... very timely"  Malika asks "what does the Imperium gain from taking rebel mages under its wing?"  Isana mutters under her breath "more slaves!"  as Alexius replies "for the moment, the southern mages are a considerable expense after they are properly trained, they will join our Legion"  Fiona says "you said not all my people will be military! there are children, those not suited--"  Isana replies "that's what happens when you turn towards cowardice and not think things through! you probably had a better chance with the Templars or you could have found better ways to protect them and yourself!"  Fiona asks "like what!?! joining the Inquisition!"  Isana replies "at least with us all your people would be treated fairly and as people not slaves for market!.... though I'm not sure why anyone would want to buy YOU you're the worst of them all!.... never trust a dog with a bone for you could get bit!"  Fiona growls "what have you done with Alistair and Anora!?"  Isana asks ignoring the growling monkey "I have done nothing to them they left the village"  Alexius replies "they would never leave their home to the likes of you Vint!"  Isana says "oh but they did! after all there were.... tensions growing I didn't want an incident"  Alexius replies with a smirk Isana pushes Justice back for she could feel what a person would call anger rise within him that she knew was connected to her own "not here Justice! this is not our place! let Mali take care of it"  she whispers within herself to him as Malika says to Alexius when she feels the change in her friend "you're quite a long way from Tevinter, Alexius"  Alexius replies "indeed I am though I heard you are no Ferelden either it seems we're both strangers here"  Isana whispers out loud "you are, she's not she's too famous to be a stranger any longer!"  Malika smirks then she walks over to a table where Alexius waved her over to and sits then the conversation between the "dwarf" that would be king and the Herald continues "Felix, would you send for a scribe please? pardon my manners my son Felix, friends"  Isana looks at Felix who bows before Malika with a concerned expression on her face for she could sense the Blight sickness within him "there's nothing we can do for him Justice, at least not in front of this crowd and I'd rather have sir arrogance find out about your existence for who knows what he would try to do!"  she whispers within herself to her spirit friend as Felix walks away "I'm not surprised you're here containing the Breach is not a feat that many could even attempt there is no telling how many mages would be needed for such an endeavor ambitious indeed"  Alexis says to Malika who replies "well, when you're fighting a massive tear in the sky you can hardly afford to think small"  Alexius says "there will have to--" .... Alexius stops talking when he sees his son walk over to them and the red headed dwarf walk over to his son then take something from him and softly say something to him that he could not hear then he sees his son nod then bow and leaves the red headed dwarf turns and says as she looks at Alexius "apparently none of your "southern brethren" can write so he went to go see if he could find someone else so it might take him awhile!"  Alexius smirks at her then asks "what did he give you!?"  the red headed dwarf replies "a hankie I had to blow my nose.... I just hope it's a clean one!"  the group laughs at her ending joke "seeing that he couldn't find a scribe in time perhaps it would be prudent to finish these talks at a later date"  the red headed dwarf says the survivor looks at her oddly "that's a splendid idea I shall send word to the Inquisition we will conclude this business at a later date"  Alexius replies then he stands and walks out of the Tavern taking Fiona and her fellow mage with him.... Isana walks over to Malika and hands her the note that she gently took from Felix then says "I'm going to go see if I can find the young one Justice has a inquiry for him"  Malika smiles then nods and watches as her friend walks out of the Tavern....

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