Chapter 1: Abigail

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"Oops." Eva giggled, as a bauble shattered beneath her. The tiny glass shards glitter like dust.

"Shit." I inwardly cursed, scooping her up before more damage could be caused. My daughter was going to be the death of me, especially at Christmas.

In my attempt to sidestep the hazard, my foot slipped and my other one stepped directly onto the glass as a way to steady myself. A scream of pain rips from my throat, startling my daughter in the process, her cries joining with my screams.

Thundering footsteps can be heard coming down the stairs along with small, scuttling footsteps and moments later Duke appears along with our Samoyed Nanook, his face looking erratic. He slowly takes in the scene before him, confusion furrowing his brow when he's unable to see the problem.

"Nanook, on your bed." He commands, our dog follows suit without question, settling into his overly large bed.

I slowly lift my foot up, blood already welling up between the shards of glass stuck in the bottom of my foot. I cringed at the sight, the blood reminding me of past memories that hadn't resurfaced in a while.

"Abbie!" Duke panics. Scooping Eva out of my arms, depositing her safely in her playpen before picking me up. Immediately making his way towards the kitchen and placing me on the counter.

Straight away, blood starts to gather on the counter and I avert my gaze to Duke's panicked expression.

"What did you do?" He asks while pulling out a load of tissues and gently applying it to the bottom of my foot to stop the bleeding from going further than it already had.

"Eva dropped a Bauble she was putting on the tree and it smashed. I tried getting her away but slipped on the glass."

"The glass is wedged into your foot, I'm going to have to call the doc." He sighs, pulling his phone out and walking away, most likely to check on Eva.

A chuckle bubbles at the base of my throat, unable to believe that I managed to create such an ordeal. Hopefully, this didn't set the tone for our Christmas this year. It was the first time Eva was fully aware of Christmas  and I wanted to make it perfect for her. After getting my foot patched up, my next plan would be to remove any glass baubles and replace them with plastic, just something that doesn't smash at the first sign on impact.

The front door opens and Ryder's bulky form fills the doorway, his eyes immediately drawing to the blood spreading all over the tissue. I would need another one soon.

"I was just passing when I received a text from Duke saying he needed some assistance, I didn't realise he meant with you." He smirks.

"Shut up Ryder," This wasn't going to help the situation at all.

His smirk widens as he continues to stand in the doorway. His face becoming more annoying by the second.

"Eva!" I yell. "Uncle Ryry is here!"

"Ryry!" Eva yells, and I smirk at Ryder this time. Two could play at this game.

"Well played." He nods, walking off to the living room to leave me wallowing in pity.

Minutes later, the front door opens again, the doctor appearing this time. A face I was much happier to see. As he approaches, Duke follows close behind him. Even though I had known this man for years, Duke still acted like a caveman around him.

"What have we done this time Abigail?" He questions even though he can see the ridiculous amount of blood forming.

"Stepped in glass." I curtly reply, wanting this to be over and done with. I was uncomfortable right now but I was probably going to feel much worse in the next ten minutes.

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