Chapter 5: Duke

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I stared at the pile of amazon packages in bewilderment. Having no clue where to start first.

When I agreed to take over all of the Christmas shopping and wrapping, I somehow didn't expect this. Even though I spent hundreds of dollars on a cart full of items for every possible person Abbie could think of.

It was what I loved and disliked about her. She always thought of everyone and everything. No person was allowed to get left out. So the presents this year included a gift for all of my brothers too, which they probably were going to be more confused about than happy.

I cautiously opened the first box, worried the contents were going to spring out at me. Lots of toys for Eva sat in the box. I would probably have to get them wrapped first to avoid her curiosity ruining the surprise. I'd learnt my lesson the last time I bought a pair of handcuffs for Abbie and Eva had gleefully opened the package for me, presenting the cuffs to Abbie with excitement. We both laughed about it but became more cautious about keeping things away and out of reach. This also meant the Christmas presents had to be kept well away until Christmas morning. Abbie was still incredibly determined to make everything perfect for Eva this year and it was all up to me to produce it.

"Do you need a hand?" Abbie chuckles behind me, looking slightly paler than usual.

"Shouldn't you be resting? You look slightly ill, I think you should go and sit down." I mumble.

A small smile pulls at the corner of her lips and she slowly makes her way to the couch. Her body immediately relaxing against it. "I'm sitting down, now can I help you?"

"I don't know where to start." I admit, staring back at the boxes again.

"Usually, I don't order everything at once. I buy everything in small batches so I can sort it as and when it arrives. You have definitely made life difficult for yourself."

"What should we start with first?"

"I think Eva's presents would be best, just so we can hide them away quicker."

I grab the box I had already opened and place it next to her, I turn back to the other boxes in bewilderment there must be more stuff for her in another one.

"Could you bring the table over please?" Abbie pleads.

I turn back around and bring the table over, placing it directly infront of the couch.

"Thank you." She weakly smiles, alarm bells immediately ringing in my head.

"What's wrong?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your face is paler than usual and your voice is weak. Usually, you would be telling me off if I told you what to do, yet you did it without a second thought." I spill out my thoughts, wondering if I'm really going mad.

Abbie sighs before responding. "I think I ate some dodgy food but I'll be okay."

"I'll ring the doctor." My hand goes to reach for my phone, only making it before Abbie shoots up to stop me.

"No!" She calls out, her face paling a shade further and she runs off to the bathroom. I follow close behind her, pulling her hair out of her face as she retches into the toilet. Worry pulls at my gut when she starts to dry heave instead of being sick, this wasn't right at all.

Eventually, Abbie stops and she leans back against the tub, gasping for breath and sweat beading along her brow. "What's wrong Abbie?"

"I don't know, I think it was some food I ate yesterday."

I get up and grab a bottle of water from the kitchen, contemplating my next reply. As I enter the bathroom again, Abbie is still sitting on the floor. Her eyes fluttered closed with exhaustion. Gently, I lift her head up and uncap the bottle. Bringing it to her lips gently. "Drink."

She greedily gulps the water down and I take it away quickly, to stop her from throwing up all over again. Narrowing her eyes at me, she leans forward for the water again, this time taking smaller sips.

"You gave me that excuse earlier, now tell me. What is wrong?"

"I don't know." She admits, tears shining in her eyes. It pained me to see her like this because I can't do anything to help.

Releasing a large sigh, I pick Abbie up and bring her back to the couch. Making sure she was settled comfortably before grabbing some blankets. "Where is Eva?"

"I settled her down for a nap around ten minutes ago and Nanook is sitting with her."

I nodded. "Then rest, and let me sort all the presents out."

"How will you know what to organise?"

"You can sit and keep watch if you don't want to sleep." I try to reason.

"Okay." She smiles, wriggling into the sofa more and pulling the blanket higher. A smile pulled at my lips and I continued sorting out presents. It was most likely going to drive me insane but with Abbie by my side, it became slightly more bearable.

A Very Wild ChristmasHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin