Chapter 2: Duke

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My cock strained against my jeans as I exited our bedroom. It had been too long since I'd fucked my little waitress and I could feel her becoming greedy for my cock. Fuck, my cock was practically weeping thinking about her tight little pussy. We both needed to treat our needs.

Hopefully, she would behave and get some rest, it would probably kill me if I wasn't able to fuck her senseless tonight. But for now, I had my daughter to think about and the mess in the living room to clean.

The sight that presented itself before me warded off any remaining arousal as I reached the living room.

Ryder was sitting in Eva's playpen wearing a hideous princess tiara and holding too many barbies to count. Eva seemed thrilled with this, her wide lacking-teeth smile was infectious.

"What are you wearing?"

Ryder's grin wipes off his face and he flicks the tiara off his head, the plastic shit banging against the floor on the other side of the room.

"Oops." Eva giggles.

"She wanted me to man, I couldn't say no."

As much as he looked like an idiot, I knew exactly what he meant. Eva had a way about her that got under every man's skin and she knew it.

"Ryry! Tiara!" She screamed with glee, pointing towards the area where it landed.

"See what I mean?"

"That's her commanding. You're telling me a baby commanded you to put a tiara on your head?" I laughed.

"I swear she says it in a way that makes you feel obliged to do it!"

"Save your excuses," I smirk, picking my daughter up out of her playpen. The glass mess was already cleaned up, most likely by Ryder when he arrived. Since having Eva, he had become incredibly protective of her. It was most likely him trying to keep the baby out of harm's reach.

"How is Abbie?"

"She'll be fine, she was trying to save Eva from touching the glass."

"Who's idea was it to get glass ornaments anyway?"

"I don't know. They'll be gone by the end of this week though."

"Let me help you." Ryder offers. Snapping my attention away from my daughter.

"You want to help decorate my house for Christmas?"

"Well, I overheard Abbie complaining about not being able to use her foot for at least a week. I think you may need the extra pair of hands."

"I will. Usually, Abbie sorts all this shit. I don't even know where to start."

"Shit!" Eva yells, her tiny arms flailing through the air.

I grab Eva's arms and give her a serious look. "Do not repeat that word again."

Her cute lips pout. "No."

"Give me strength." I sigh, placing Eva back on the floor so she could play.

"I think that Abbie managed to sort most of the decorations, the tree just needs fixing." Ryder glances around the room. Taking in the over amount of Christmas decorations.

"Where do we even buy decent tree ornaments?"

"I have no clue. I've never bought them."

"This is going to be impossible." I slump on the couch, watching Eva play with some weird-looking barbie. They all creeped me out, yet I keep buying them for her anyway.

From the corner of my eye, I watched Ryder sit on the couch opposite, his expression wary. "I wanted to give you your Christmas present early."

"We still have two weeks until Christmas yet. It can wait."

"I think you should have it now. Both of you."

"Both of us?"

"I wanted to take Eva off your hands for one night."

My head snapped up. "No."

"Duke, think about it. You both haven't had a break since the day she was born. You need an evening to yourselves."

"The answer is still no, my daughter will not be without us."

"I'm sure she will live."

"No, it's not happening Ryder."

"Have you asked your daughter what she thinks?" He cocked his brow with a smug grin.

"She's three years old, she's not going to have a clue about what I'm asking her."

Ryder turns to Eva and my blood starts to boil. "Eva, how would you like to have a sleepover with uncle Ryry?"

"Yes!" She yells, pure joy lighting up her face. I didn't expect her to have that answer.

"She still doesn't understand." I stubbornly reply. I hoped that she didn't understand what he was asking.

"Then at least let me take her out for a couple of hours so you can be alone with Abbie. I saw your cock tenting in your pants when you walked into the room." His grin appears again.

"Shut up Ryder," I growl, cautiously watching my daughter making sure she wasn't picking up on any more vulgar language. Abbie would probably have my balls for her just saying the word 'shit'.

"You get what I mean though. Just let me take her for a couple of hours, we can try and find new Christmas ornaments, some that don't break."

"I'm trusting you here. If a single hair on her head is out of place, you are a dead man Ryder."

"Understood loud and clear." He grins, scooping Eva up and throwing her over his head. "How about a road trip Eva?"

"Yes!" She grins, putting her hands out in front of her like superman. A small smile tugs at my lips. It was the right decision to make Ryder her godfather.

I start walking out of the living room, trying to distract myself from what I had just agreed to. "I'll get her car seat."

Ten minutes later, Eva's car seat was fixed tightly into Ryder's truck and she was excitedly strapped in.

"You behave now," I warn, kissing her cheek.

"Yes, daddy!" She beams, her little hands grabbing me in for a hug.

My heart swelled at her kindness, she had always been a child that showed affection and part of me hoped she would continue doing so when she grows up.

Ryder drove away slowly and I watched the truck until it was too far away.

Locking the front door behind me, I headed straight for the stairs. It was time to see if my little waitress had behaved like a good girl and got her reward.

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