~1: Thoughts (Yuuvo)~

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Author's Note: Unless stated otherwise in the chapter title, the chapter is from Arata's POV, but this one as stated in the title is in Yuuvo's POV, there will also be a version in Arata's for this chapter.

Warning: Major Hacker's Memory Spoilers ahead!

Yuuvo POV

I smile softly to myself as I watch Arata log out before heading to the Zone myself to go to a different area of EDEN in order to visit my friend "K" on his server. It'll be good to catch up with him while Arata sorts out his thoughts.

I head straight back to the stimulation of Nakano's K-Cafe to see him sitting at one of the tables with one leg crossed over the other and his mask on the table. "Ah Yuuvo, have a seat." My friend says to me with a small smile.

"Don't mind if I do, K." I say to him as I take the seat across from him.

"You know you can call me by my real name when we're in private. I don't mind you doing so." He says to me.

Small spoiler section ahead!

"I'm fully aware of that, Yu. How are things on your front with Amasawa?" I say to the purple-haired Demon Hacker and his smile falls at the question.

"I...accidentally snapped at him earlier and ran off..." He says to me with a slight frown.

"I wouldn't worry too much about it, Yu. Knowing you, you were probably really upset and from what you've said about him, he'd understand that. If it makes you feel better, I probably pushed my luck with Arata too soon by getting up in his face and nearly kissing him without his consent. Then again...perhaps being bold would be helpful in your situation." I say to him.

"Thanks for that, Yuuvo. It does help, and I'll keep your advice in mind. It's nice to have someone else to talk to about this." He replies to me with his smile returning to his face.

"Glad that I could be of help. Better my advice than you-know-who's advice. His is quite...questionable. I hear Amasawa joined Hudie. They're good people, you don't have to worry about that, but they'll definitely make your plans far harder to accomplish. Unless, of course, YOU join Hudie, or even work at the café. I know they're understaffed. I could talk to Ryuji about it. Think about it, you'd be around him more without it seeming suspicious." I advise him and he seems to perk up at my suggestion.

"That would be great, thanks." Yu says to me and I smile softly at him.

"You don't need to thank me. You're the closest I have to an actual friend of my own." I remind him.

"I'm well aware of that." He replies to me as my Digivice goes off and I check to find a DigiLine message from Arata.

Spoiler Section Over!

/*Arata: Hey Yuuvo, you there?

/*Me: Of course, Arata. Is something the matter?

/*Arata: Next time, if you want to kiss me, ask instead of what you did. I'm more comfortable that way. At least if you ask and I say no, it doesn't feel awkward on my part.

/*Me: Sorry. I didn't realize I made things awkward...If anything, I thought you would've been angry at me for it.

/*Arata: I can understand why you'd think that. But it's okay. I'm not mad at you but I better be getting an explanation on what this whole 'not always talking to the same person' thing is at some point!

/*Me: It might be a while before you get that entire explanation, but you'll get it and it'll be face to face.

/*Arata: I can accept that. See you soon, Yuuvo.

/*Me: See you soon, Arata.

I smile to myself before excusing myself to leave since I know Yuuko will be logging in soon enough.


To be continued...

Still Here For You (Arata Sanada x Yuuvo [AI Yuugo] & Yuugo)Where stories live. Discover now