~4: Just Below Zero (Yuuvo)~

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It's finally time. Yuuko's going to lead the charge on retaking Under Zero. I can still vividly remember the initial speech she gave as the leader of Zaxon.


Yuuko (as Yuugo): Hackers of Zaxon, of Kowloon...No, all of EDEN! I ask you this!

'Yuugo': Are you free? Free from involvement, interference, monitoring...Do such freedoms exist in EDEN today?

'Yuugo': And what about EDEN's prototype, the birthplace of us hackers, our holy land: Under Zero. It's a space idealized by the creator of this Digital World; much freer, offering a better life.

'Yuugo': But Under Zero was seized when EDEN was launched, and turned into an unmanned server to control information. Now, it is nothing more than a fortress, outfitted with the toughest security in the world. Under Zero...our ideal home...is now on the oldest of EDEN's servers, the Valhalla Server. It's time for us hackers to take back our utopia!

'Yuugo': To bring a new order to EDEN! To release it from a "freedom" filled with monitoring and interference!

'Yuugo': We Zaxons hereby declare the reclamation of our holy land, Under Zero! If there are any who share in our aspirations, then join us! For Under Zero!

Flashback end...

Yuuko has no idea what she's truly getting herself into with this. Arata wants nothing to do with that place for a reason. Yuuko's too stubborn though and won't listen to reason.

After arriving at Under Zero...

I can only watch helplessly with a sense of foreboding as the other Zaxon Hackers continuing hacking Under Zero's security and end up with an urge to bitch slap Fei for how she's speaking to Arata.

I see Keisuke run in just as Nokia's Digimon DNA Digivolve and defeat Fei's Digimon. Ryuji and Chitose run in behind him and are astonished at the sight that they witnessed.

Rie's voice sounds out through the area and I get a sinking feeling. She tells Yuuko that her part in this is over. Then Eaters appear and begin attacking. I witness Chitose pushing Ryuji out of the way of an Eater and he himself gets attacked. Ryuji seems to have some sort of breakdown as Keisuke steps in to defend him with his Digimon. A Dorugoramon, a MarineAngemon, and a Lucemon Falldown Mode. They quickly defeat the Eaters attacking them as I rest and watch from my position in Arata's arms.

Arata carefully picks me up and carries me past the two Hudie members while trying to hold himself together. I can faintly hear Ryuji ask Keisuke where Chitose is. I glance to see Ryuji glancing back at the Under Zero core before he leaves and I notice a red glow surrounding it that no one else does.

"Let's go, Yuuvo." Arata says softly and I nod while leaning against him more.


To be continued...

Still Here For You (Arata Sanada x Yuuvo [AI Yuugo] & Yuugo)Where stories live. Discover now