~Yu Interlude: Joining Hudie~

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Soon After the Hudie Interlude...

"I'm surprised you allowed me to join so easily." I say to Erika in confusion.

"Says the one frequently conversing with an apparently nonexistent DigiLine number. Care to explain that?" Erika responds to me.

"So you're suspicious of me and want to monitor me? Look, I won't hide that I'm talking to 'Yuugo' on the DigiLine, but we usually converse about personal topics." I admit to her and she narrows her eyes at me.

"Two things mostly. Hacking tips for one, he worries that I might get myself into trouble in EDEN and wants to ensure I have a way out. The other...well, it's relationship advice. There? Happy?" I admit to her.

"I'm curious about why he'd talk to you about either subject but he's the one who would have an answer for that." She says to me in confusion.

"Eh, maybe because we both have crushes on hackers who are apparently very much dense?" I offer without further elaboration.

"Any luck?" She asks me.

"Not for me. He seems to be having better luck, with Arata, if you haven't already figured that out." I answer her.

"I kinda already figured that he was trying to woo Arata." She tells me before she resumes her earlier activities.

"Humans can be so weird." Wormmon says to us from the computer screen.

"So can Digimon." I reply to him.

"I never said we weren't." He points out to me.

"Fair enough but we never said we humans aren't weird." I say with a grin before turning to leave the room so Erika can concentrate and I can go do other things. Chitose and Ryuji are already out on jobs now.

"Hey Yu!" Keisuke says to me cheerfully when he sees me before walking over.

"Hey Keisuke. Need help with anything?" I say to him.

"I was gonna go down to Under Kowloon Level 2. Wanna come with?" He asks me and I nod.

"Sure. Sounds good to me." I say to him.

"Awesome." He replies to me before we both head over to the computers to log in to EDEN.


To be continued...

Still Here For You (Arata Sanada x Yuuvo [AI Yuugo] & Yuugo)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon