~4.5: Yuuko Rescue Operation (Yuuvo)~

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Arata had messaged me on the DigiLine to ask for my help with something. He was waiting for the Hudie members to show up in response to his message on their bulletin board. Keisuke and Yu arrived and informed him that they're unable to get in contact with Ryuji.

He explains to them about his plan to stop Rie's Paradise Lost Plan. They say that before they can agree to help they have to go back to Hudie to inform Erika about it first.

Keisuke returns with Erika and they tell Arata that Yu's going to watch the store for Erika. A comical scene ensues soon after. "By the way, Yuuvo will join up with you guys at the server." He informs them.

With that out of the way, we all split up to do our part in this. I'm not left waiting for Erika, Keisuke, and their Digimon for long. Wormmon voices his amazement at the amount of Digital Waves in the Server.

I reveal myself to them, and they explain their additional goal to locate Suedou in the hopes that he'll know a way to cure Chitose. "I suppose he IS the person most likely to have an idea of how to cure EDEN Syndrome." I say to Erika who nods her agreement.

They start to go on ahead and I try to stop them. "Wait! Arata told you that we haven't gained control of the security! Nevermind. Have fun being responsible for Arata being on the country's Most Wanted List. It's too late, and knowing him, he'll make it so he takes the fall." I yell after them and they suddenly halt.

"Uhh...Oops...?" Keisuke says to me nervously and Erika looks embarrassed by her mistake as I glare at them.

"You just couldn't wait for us to have control of the security, could you?" I say to them in annoyance. "You know what? I'm not going to even bother talking unless I have to." I inform them before following after through the Power Plant Server.

We eventually run into a familiar face and I use Stealth Hide, not wanting to deal with the man at the moment. "Ah...! There he is!" Erika exclaims, causing Suedou to turn towards us.

"...What's this? How did you get in here? Once again, we meet in a strange place. If you managed to get past the security, you must be some very talented hackers." Suedou says to Keisuke and Erika.

"We came here to ask you something." Erika explains to him.

"...Me?" He asks her in mild confusion.

"But before that, I want to make sure about one thing...What are you doing here anyway? ...Are you partners with Rie Kishibe?" She says to him and he seems to be somewhat impressed that she knows about that.

"Oh my... So you know about Ms. Kishibe? You can't underestimate Hackers these days. Partners? Well...I wouldn't say that. I suppose you could say we're using the same methods to achieve different ends. ...But I'm the one that formulated the behavioral theory for the Eater she used. So I suppose in that sense you could say we're partners." He explains to them and Keisuke immediately tenses.

"Oh, are you angry about something? Unfortunately, I'm not very good at fighting. I'd prefer to deal with this peacefully..." Suedou says while scratching his head and Keisuke relaxes somewhat though he still has a frown on his face.

"If you're not directly helping her, it's fine... Just tell us what you know." Erika says to him.

"Oh? So what do you want to know?" He asks her in interest.

"EDEN Syndrome. Tell me everything. My friend has EDEN Syndrome. I want to help him." She answers him.

"...Hmm. So you came all the way here to ask that? You determined my location and took down the power plant security just for that?" He asks her and she stays silent before he laughs delightedly while pressing his palm to his forehead.

"Ha...Ha ha ha! Excellent! You had a purpose and you acted on it! I truly admire you!" He says to her before sending her the data.

"This...is your Eater thesis?!" Erika says to Suedou with widened eyes and Keisuke is also surprised before Suedou tells Erika that decoding it will give her access to a 'certain network' and explains how he hasn't fully analyzed it himself yet and would like Erika's assistance and to see what she would end up making of it.

Wormmon starts trembling and muttering about him being a mad scientist. Suedou expresses his displeasure about the label. Erika and Suedou continue their discussion for a little longer before we feel rumbling and witness the Dimensional Door opening as Digimon fall from the sky.

Arata calls to check in on us and tells us to get a move on. Suedou makes a shortcut for us to use, and Erika questions why he's helping us and he reminds her that his goals are different from "Kishibe's" before he leaves. Erika calls after him but Wormmon reminds her that we have to hurry. We use the backdoor Suedou made to continue on our way.

After hacking the two remaining terminals, we approach a Brakedramon to the north of us that engages us in battle. We quickly defeat it, and reach the access point before contacting Arata. He informs us that it's time to shut down the power which Keisuke does quickly and Arata calls us again after and apologizes for messing us which let the Dimensional Door be opened at all.

A thought occurrs to me. 'The lingering effects should allow me to enter the Real World!' I think to myself in excitement before we all leave the Server.


To be continued...

Still Here For You (Arata Sanada x Yuuvo [AI Yuugo] & Yuugo)Where stories live. Discover now