~4: To The Promised Land~

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(A/N: Yuuvo told Arata about Yuuko's idea of going to Under Zero prior.)

Damn it! What's Yuuko thinking trying to take on Under Zero?! I nearly groan in irritation due to the sheer stupidity of it. Now, even Nokia and her Rebels are probably going to go charging off to take on Under Zero as well. At least I can talk to Takumi about what's going on. He was stuck training with Nokia and the Rebels all night.

Oh no, speaking of the Devil. Nokia's just gotten here and poor Takumi looks terrified. Oh no, she's noticed me.

"What do you mean 'as a bonus'?" I ask her while looking away.

"Haven't you heard? The Zaxons are on board with the Under Zero Invasion!" She says to me as I mentally groan.

"Did you know, Arata, that Under Zero is a hacker holy land? You probably don't care, though." She says to me and I mentally scoff as I know all too well before outwardly verbalizing how it's being overhyped and exaggerated.

"But you should see the look in their eyes when they talk about taking it back." She replies to me with her arms crossed. "Actually, there are some among the Rebels who have taken special training and want to show off. They're planning to join in." She informs us.

"Well, the leader being who she is, it's no wonder the simple-minded are coming together." I say to her, not at all surprised by the info.

"Harumph!" She says before addressing Takumi, "Whaddya say, Takumi? Do you wanna go take on Under Zero too?"

We're both startled by her words, Takumi more obviously so. "It'd be like climbing a mountain 'cause it's there, or crashing through a wall 'cause it's there!" She says to us enthusiastically before adding, "And this could be a chance to raise our public awareness level, what with my having formed the Tamer group and all. If the Rebels manage to beat Zaxon in breaking into Under Zero, we'll rocket to superstardom! And then we could promote our--"

I immediately cut her off knowing I had to try and stop her. "Quit while you're ahead!" I shout at her, startling her and Takumi with my outburst. "That's not a place newbies like you are going to be able to reach. You'll be beaten at your own game." I sternly tell her and she objects at being called a newbie, going on about piling on special training and dragging Takumi into the mix. He looks like he wants to be left out of it.

Good, at least I shouldn't have to worry about him. Nokia, however... "Fine! I'll go by myself! And I'll definitely get in before the Zaxons do!" She yells before running off, and I highly doubt she'll beat the Zaxons to the punch. Takumi is stunned into silence.

"Leave her be. If she gets herself hurt running off half-cocked, it's her own fault." I tell him and he frowns while looking down.

I cross my arms and close my eyes as we stand in silence for a moment before I can't take it anymore. "...Oh, dangit! Forget it! We're going after her!" I yell out while surprising Takumi with my abrupt change in demeanor.

"Under Zero is way too dangerous. If things go the way they did last time..." I explain to him while imagining something happening to Nokia, Yuuko, or Yuuvo. "Anyway, we have to go after Nokia. I've got a little 'prep work' to do first. Let's meet in EDEN!" I tell him before leaving.


Takumi meets up with me at the EDEN Community Area as agreed upon. "As always, Nokia is moving ahead on impulse alone. It looks like she's gotten quite far, too. The other hackers have gotten into the Valhalla Server and are heading for Under Zero. Something doesn't smell right, though." I tell him before explaining at his confused look, "The Valhalla Server shouldn't have gone down so fast. Either Yuugo invited us in, or someone else did. Either way, it reeks of a trap. Anyway, we won't catch up with Nokia taking the direct route, but there is a shortcut." I send him the URL for the secret passage.

Still Here For You (Arata Sanada x Yuuvo [AI Yuugo] & Yuugo)Where stories live. Discover now