𓄳 𖥔˙̣ ﹆I guess this is home﹆˙̣𖥔 𓄳

89 3 13


"oh, oh"

     I stepped into the airport of indiana's biggest airport. the hustle and bustle the people of small-town hawkins talk about definitely exists. people are everywhere doing practically everything. selling their airport crap nobody will use once they come back from holiday, buying crap they won't use once they come back from holiday, rushing for their plane, rushing for their taxi. as I said, hustle and bustle.

I adjusted my backpack on my shoulder to be more comfortable and tilted my suitcase onto it's wheels and began to make a beeline for the exit door. I pushed the glass door, which opened out to a car park, open and scanned my surroundings.

taxis, vans and cars dominated the area, making one chevy k5 blazer stand out. it hogged two parking spaces, concealing the line which divided them. red and blue police lights sat upon it like a crown, deeming it better than the other vehicles as if it were royalty. the words 'HAWKIN'S POLICE DEPT.' were printed on the side with 'CHIEF' on the hood. the glossy coat of the two browns screamed 'new' while the slightly busted bumper begged to differ. leaning on this blazer was the chief himself: chief of hawkins, jim hopper. he had his brown fedora placed on his head accompanied by a pair of gold edition ray-ban outdoorsmans. maybe he could buy me a pair? he donned his uniform, making him look authoritative, his badge glinting in the indianapolis summer sunlight.

my stomach was immediately filled with nerves, creeping up my chest and into my throat. oh god, what if he didn't like me? what if he was different to how I remembered? what if I made up this totally different guy in my head to replace him when mum kicked him out?

his eyes searched the entrance while he kept checking a piece of paper. when his eyes fell on me, he quickly looked from me to the paper, then back to me. he had a picture. mum must've sent one. I started to make my way over to him while he rushed forwards.

"hey, y/n.." he said, awkwardly, while grabbing the suitcase from my hand. it's had been seven years since I last saw this man. we had both changed.

"yeah, that's me. hey, dad," I smiled politely as I fiddled with the strap on my bag.

"yup, that's me.. uhm, the blazer's this way." he lead me over to the vehicle and opened the back door and gently placing my suitcase along the back seat. sticking his hands into his pockets, he turned to me. "well, the drive from here to hawkins is thirteen hours so i've booked a hotel for us along the way. we'll get there around 6'oclock, I know it's 12 now, but it'll be almost half of the journey. are you hungry? we can go back in and get you some food-"

he was cut off by me hugging him tight.

"I missed you, Dad," I mumbled into his chief's jacket. he took a deep breath and hesitantly put his arms around me, clearly unsure what to do before settling comfortably into the hug.

"I missed you too, y/n."


"so, tell me everything." hopper and I sat in the blazer, stomachs full and excited for the journey ahead. the scenery of indanapolis sped past us as the radio played take on me by a-ha. I had my legs up on the dashboard and the open window blowing wind through my hair.

"well, after sara died and you and mum split, you obviously moved back to hawkins and mum stayed in ny. but she decided there were too many memories of you and sara so she moved us to britain, england. bristol, specifically. it was ok. we lived in this council estate on this long, long road called gloucester road. and when I say long, I mean long! it covered, like, three towns." hopper laughed "and, it was just us for about four months. then mum started bringing men home. and these guys were assholes-"

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