𓄳 𖥔˙̣ ﹆dustin the doorman﹆˙̣𖥔 𓄳

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"My blood starts to rush when I see your doorman"

   Recently, steve and I have been getting closer. we do a lot together. he's on his school basketball team, so he invites me to watch; I love watching films, so he comes to the cinema with me; we shop together; go try new restaurants together; sometimes we just hang out at one of our houses!

dad hates the fact that my new best friend is a boy, but el loves it. each time we meet up, she called it 'another friend date before the real date'. yeah, sure.

but there was just one thing. dustin. now, dustin wasn't a problem; but whenever I wasn't with steve or he wasn't working, dustin was with steve, trying to make up for the "lost time" as he called it. which made me feel kinda bad, like I was taking steve away from dustin. the two were together a lot. and because of this, I'd learnt to associate dustin with steve. he was like steve's doorman and my blood would start to rush when I saw dustin because I knew wherever dustin was, steve probably wasn't far behind.

or infront, he had much longer legs than the middle schooler.


"you've reached the hopper residence, how may I help you?" I moved the receiver from one ear to the other and squeezed the receiver between my shoulder and my ear as I shook the - very quickly burning - frying pan of eggs in my hand.

"y/n?!" the voice on the other side of the line spoke.

"may I ask who's speaking?" I walked over to the hob and turned it off.

"y/n. it's raquel!" I dropped the eggs into the bin and placed the pan back onto the hob before heading over to the fridge and bringing out more eggs.

"raquel? I don't know any raquels," I smirked and teased my best friend on the other side of the line. raquel had been my best friend since I moved to england. I had been partnered with her in our classes as I was new and we immediately hit it off. she was like my platonic soulmate.

"don't fuck with me like that, y/n- NO, MUM! I SAID FREAK! FREAK, MA!" I giggled as the girl yelled to her mum.

"how've you been, love?" I asked as I scraped burnt egg from the frying pan with my spatula.

"soooo depressed without you! bruv, johnny and harry are doing my head in. leo! get out of my room!" I laughed at commotion on the other end of the line. "no me importa lo que mamá dijo, ¡lárgate!" [I don't care what mum said, get the hell out!]

"escucha a tu madre, raquel!" [listen to your mum, raquel!] I teased. raquel had been teaching me spanish since we first met. I was practically fluent. we normally spoke in spanish with our other two friends, johnny and harry, when we didn't want other people to know what we were saying. johnny and harry joined our duo a couple months after we became friends, I had made fun of harry's hair after he pushed raquel. we'd all been inseparable since. then harry and raquel started dating in year nine and are still going strong.

"lo juro por Dios, no empieces tú también, perra," [I swear to god, don't you start on me as well, bitch] raquel sighed before a slam was heard, supposedly her door. "how's hawkins? what's your dad like?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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