016. 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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( chapter sixteen abomination )

( chapter sixteen         abomination )

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EZRA walked out the clinic, after making sure Scott was alright. He walked to his car with a sigh, leaning against the window before he put his key in the ignition. He was exhausted, and for a number of reasons too. Maybe it was because Derek and his pack started problems for him, Scott, and Stiles. Maybe it was seeing Peter Hale everywhere he went. Or maybe he just needs a good night's sleep.

His phone buzzed, he picked his head up, reaching his pocket. His face lit up when he saw Stiles name in bold letters but it quickly turned into a confused expressions when Stiles texted, 'Pls Come here quick at Tuckers'

He sighed out, starting up his car and speeded down the road. He fiddled with the radio before he found a station he liked. The music played softly in the background while Ezra drove.

"This song sucks ass, turn it off." Alec said, suddenly sitting in the back but only Ezra could see him through the small mirror. Ezra almost jolted out of his seat, "Shit! Please don't ever do that again, especially when I'm driving." He grumbles, rolling his eyes as the demon just ignored him. He looked back at the road. And in the middle of the road was Peter Hale, smirking with half of his face melted off. "Ezra." His voice echoed throughout his head.

Ezra's eyes widened in shock, his jaw fell open, he swerved to the other side of the road, almost losing control of his car. He caught his breath as he hit the brakes on the car. He looked again in the middle of the road, Peter was gone. Ezra pulled over to calm his racing heart. Was Peter really alive? This happened too many times to count. He couldn't deny it anymore.

Peter Hale was back.


             STILES grumbled to himself as he paced back and forth in the waiting area of Tucker's Garage auto parts. Ezra walks in, sounding out of breath. "I got your text." He breathed out. Stiles looked up from the floor, a smile gracing his face as he looked at the teen, "Why do you sound so out of breath?" He asks him. Ezra steps closer to the teen, "Well, I had to drop off Scott at the animal clinic and then I got your text and hurried over here."

Stiles nods along as he wipes a clear gel of his hand onto his jacket, "What is that?" He asks, pointing towards his arm. Stiles shrugs, "I don't know, but it's gross." He grimaces and Stilinski pulls out his phone, going to text his dad but his hand slowly freezes up. "What's happening to me-" He asks before he starts to sway back and forth. "Ez-" He began but stopped himself, dropping his phone.

Ezra looked at the boy with an alarm, "Stiles?"

Stiles looks up a the window, "Oh my god.'' He utters. Ezra turns his head in confusion only to spot a lizard-like hand appear on the door of Stiles' jeep. "Hey! Hey!" Stiles said weakly as he went to move towards the door but fell over.

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