Chapter: ???

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i have made a terrible mistake, my child looks exactly like me, which is good, but i'm worried, that hisashi will find out what i did, it's not like i meant to, Chizome just understands me and care for me in a way hisashi never did, he compliments me, gives me flowers, shows me affection, actually takes me out, just the way he talks to me makes me long for him.

 yes i still love hisashi but, Chizome loves me back, but i know we can't be together, i want my son to be away from all that, away from my secrets, away from the mafia, away from my vigilante life, as much as it pains me, my little spirit needs to stay away from his real father, and unfortunately i need to stay away from him as well or else it will happen again, and i don't want my little spirit to become that.

 i need to end this, put my mask away, break ties with my mother, and leave chizome, or else my son will end up like. . .them, and i could never forgive myself if that ever happened. . . 

. . . i'm sorry my darling izuku. . . i'm truly sorry. . .


"inko, whose kid is he? mine or your husbands?"

"yours, i had my mom do a dna test, yours was 97% match. . ."

"then stay with me, i can give you the world, i can treat you the way you deserved to be treated, both you and izuku, i promise, you don't have to live with that man, he lies, he mistreats you, and he's going to do the same thing to our son, you two aren't safe there, i can protect you two if-" 

"chizome just stop!"

". . . believe me, i want to live with you, i want a family with you, i want izuku to live a happy life, but it's too dangerous, he can't be around this, and i'm not making you give up your life for that, i'm leaving chizome, i'm quitting this life, i'm breaking ties with mother and im living a normal life with izuku a-and-" 

"and hisashi. . . right?"

"yes. . . with hisashi. . . i'm sorry, but i can't see you anymore, it's just too risky"

". . . alright, but inko, if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me. . .

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