Ima Fuck Yo-Her Up

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Y/n's Pov
Ms. Thornhill leads me over to her desk and tells me to "Wait here, my angel" she smiled and I do what I'm told

She came over then with a chair, and put it down, "Get comfortable sweetie" and I sit down on the chair

'Can I sit on your lap instead' I muttered
"What was that?"
"Um, nothing " I say, blushing from embarrassment

"So... I've noticed you be... more different, than a lot of the other students. More traditional ways
from olden times. Is something happening at home... or at school "

"Oh... well, kind of... at home"
She nods for me to continue

I exhale through my nose
"Well... basically, my stepmother is abusive, and she tried to kill me, several times. My original mother died,
then my
Other mother fell in love with Sandra, my stepmother, and my mother, she mysteriously died somehow, its unknown "

I stop for a moment and look up at her face, she had tears in her eyes, and she took off her glasses, her pretty Hazel eyes more see-able

"And... I pretty sure that Sandra has something to do with it, as she just.. went away with her one day, and came back without her, and she'd always
tell me to, act a certain way
And I knocked over
a glass of water, she'd scream at me
To clean it up, which I would've done anyway, since it was my mess"
I finished explaining

She just stood up and walked over to me, pulling me into her warm embrace, and I hug her back, smiling, a few stray tears falling from my eyes

She bent down to my height and she grabbed my cheek with her hand, pulling my head near her lips, that kissed my forehead

"I'll fuck yo- her up" she stuttered after the word 'fuck', but I didn't think anything of it

"Now, she'll never hurt your precious little self, when I'm here, I'll protect you" she winked

My Mommy Issues right now...↗️↗️↗️

"Thank you" I smile, standing up
"Now, go back to your dorm, it's the end of the day, believe it or not, I know your schedule, and you have no
more classes "

She knows it better than
me, jeez

I start to walk off, to get my bag, but I stopped and turned around and hugged her, she stumbled back at the unexpected gesture

But she quickly hugged me back, resting her head on top of mine
"Now... go on " she says letting me go, smiling at me

I nod and grab my bag, walking out

Damn.... I guess I like older women.. WAIT. I CAN'T LIKE MY TEACHER, I AM NOT 18 YET!
I am in 2 months though, oh well

Marilyn Thornhill x fem reader Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon