In Her Bed

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Y/n's Pov
I woke up, having the sweetest dream of Marilyn saving me from Sandra.

But.. instead of feeling the familiar, hard, cold floor, I felt my sore body on a comfortable warm... bed?

I was wrong, my body was laying ontop of someone... Marilyn Thornhill
She was already awake, and when she saw me, she smiled.

She was wearing her pajamas and didn't have her glasses on.
"Oh... my angle, you are ok.. are you?" She said, cupping my face, placing kisses all over my face

"I think so " I say, yawning, I haven't slept in ages, "What time is it?"

"It's 3 in the afternoon " she says and I start to get up, but I felt the sharpest pain in my abdomen,
I grabbed it in pain, as I snuggled back into Marilyn, groaning with pain

"Awww~ careful my darling angel.
You have stitches" she says, pulling me gently into her, trailing her finger down my nose

"I-" I started to say, but then i realised my voice was horse as fuck,
but she shushed me
"Shhh~don't talk... you'll lose your voice"

I just flop my head onto her chest and she played with my hair
"You need a bath... there's blood in your hair"

I just nod, but feel myself doze off.
"Go to sleep.. I'll be here when you wake up" I hear her say, I finally let my eyes close, I fall asleep under the gaze of my teacher... AKA MY GF 😻

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