The Late Night Vent

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Y/n's Pov
I ran into my lonely, cold dorm, well it wasn't lonely, my roommate, Enid was in, I thought they were out as she said she had a date

"Y/N!! oh my gosh, come here" she frowns like a puppy as she scoops me into her arms, pulling me down on the bed

"Tell me what happened " she says, laying against her headboard, playing with my hair as my head rested on her chest

My tear-filled eyes met her concerned filled ones
"I.. can't tell you.."
"Yes, you can, I want to help... its about Thornhill..isn't it"

I jult up and started to get nervous
", well... "she raises an eyebrow, and I let out a groan and fall back onto her chest

"Ok... it is.. we were going out, and we just had sex, then i got hit by something.. I-I don't know... I think I shouldn't date her anymore.."
I vented, to Enid as she pulled the blanket over us

"That's why you were limping.. mustn't have held back I'm guessing?" I giggled at this, "ya.. she didn't"

"Honestly... just talk to her.. when and ONLY when you feel comfortable.. now, sleep time!" She go up from the bed and grabs my teddy bead on my bed

I hug them tightly, as Enid spoons me from behind
I let out a quiet yawn and fell asleep, under the safe gaze of my best friend

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