Strange Place

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I haven't posted in a week
It was on purpose, to fit the story ;)

Y/n's Pov
Dear diary
It's been a week since Enids birthday, since I was kidnapped...
I.. I can't escape or anything,
You see, I put you under my floorboards of my basement bedroom to have
A little privacy, nobody reading you
And it worked

But I hoped to never write in you again.. let me explain what has happened since I last written a month ago

I smile as I hear Enid and Wednesday
Talking in their dorm room from outside the door.
I knocked on the door gently and a few seconds later was face to face with
Enid, who was buzzing with excitement

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I shrieked, out of shock as she grabbed me and spun me in the air in a tight hug.

"Thank you!!!" I give her the pink bag I had in my hands this whole time and she takes out her gifts, I got her 3
She opened the first one, which was a bottle of her favourite perfume
The second, a makeup palette
And the last one was some sweets/candy

"THANK YOU!!!" She shouted hugging me tightly, I snuggled into the hug and I realised Wednesday just staring at us the whole time.

I grew uncomfortable qnd pulled away
"Well... um I gotta get going, I'll see you guys later"

I then get up and walk out of their dorm, going back to my dorm, when I felt a liquid running down my shoulder, I look to see it was a knife in my higher shoulder

I look fully behind me, and I blacked out


I kind of forgot what happened after that, exept that they drugged me.. Sandra was obviously behind it with her boyfriend, but also I don't know why she bothered with me, probably because I have proof she abused me and wants to fully kill me

She was supposed to be arrested after she woke up from her coma... but I guess she escaped before it.
I just hope that someone will save me soon... I miss my friends, if I just stayed in their dorm for the day... I  wouldn't be here

I wonder if Marilyn even cares I'm gone

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