My Safety Pin

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Y/n's Pov
I woke up late at night, as the night before I was beaten up so bad, it knocked me out.

I look down and see a crimson red on the floor, I hiss in pain as I felt the big cut in my lower abdomen

I push myself up of the floor, and look around in the various drawers in the basement

I open the first drawer and I see a book, and a picture of me and my birth mother, I sigh a shakey break as I felt my head go dizzy, I grab it and steady myself

I then close the drawer and look in the next, a drawer of ribbons... I just remembered that ribbons can symbolis what's happened to you as a kid, when I get out of here, I'm definitely getting some of them

I keep looking around, until this one drawer has a safety pin.

I walk over to the small hatch that is hidden outside from bushes, that doesn't lead into the main hall, just immediately outside, honestly I kind of forgot about it until now 😅

I walk over, arrange the pin like a key and push it into the keylock, rummaging it around until I heard a faint click.

Yes! I can escape!
I go out the hatch bit I felt my dizziness overcome me, shit... no, not now
I'm so close

But the last thing I remember was falling to the ground.... I passed out, but little did I know... I'd have a saviour soon

Marilyn Thornhill x fem reader Where stories live. Discover now